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89 votes

How do you handle integrating code from multiple branches/developers each sprint?

If you are using Git, each developer would be pulling from the develop branch into their own feature branch so that they ensure they don't go too far from the current baseline. They can do that daily,...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
23 votes

How do you handle integrating code from multiple branches/developers each sprint?

I worked in a team where we struggled with the same problem. We found that the less time we had before integrating, the less difficult it became. I know most people teaching continuous integration ...
Daniel's user avatar
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12 votes

How do you handle integrating code from multiple branches/developers each sprint?

Keep your branches short-lived (it sounds like you're already doing this). Let your test results speak for themselves. Don't wait for the end of the sprint. You don't even need to subscribe to TDD ...
Liath's user avatar
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6 votes

How do you handle integrating code from multiple branches/developers each sprint?

Don't Depending on your language and what files you're editing, it may not make sense for each developer to edit them on their own branch. For example, in C# I've found it's best for only one person ...
mmathis's user avatar
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4 votes

User stories about one and the same functionality for two different roles

You can make these valid user stories, but your need to keep them focused on benefits for the end user. For reducing the size of the payload sent to the server focus on the metrics of reducing data ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
2 votes

User stories about one and the same functionality for two different roles

This isn't the domain of implementation, but the domain of protocol. After the protocol has been worked out, using those requirements/desired properties, then stories can be crafted to implement the ...
Kain0_0's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you handle integrating code from multiple branches/developers each sprint?

Another possible approach to avoid late and large merges are feature flags: you protect your changes with a (ideally dynamically) configurable flag that prevents them from becoming active before ...
Florian Brucker's user avatar
2 votes

User stories about one and the same functionality for two different roles

Engineering costs money, so open-ended statements like: run with as little hardware as possible ...are too incomplete to be stories. Running on as little hardware as possible would be the task that ...
Dogs's user avatar
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1 vote

User stories about one and the same functionality for two different roles

This is not a user story: it’s a non functional requirement and it’s certainly common to several stories: The users communicate with the app and do not care about behind the scene and how data is ...
Christophe's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use "user stories" for process improvement tasks?

In my humble opinion, yes you can use user stories for non-software development projects, not just process improvement tasks. Take for instance, 3 years ago I was the best man at my friend's wedding ...
Baba Kososhi's user avatar

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