General Outline of a Bug Report
Summary: How would you describe the bug in less than 60 characters? It should quickly and uniquely identify a bug report as
well as explain the problem, not your suggested solution.
Good: “Cancelling a File Copy dialog crashes File Manager”
Bad: “Software crashes”
Bad: “Browser should work with my web site”
Component: In which sub-part of the software does it exist?This field is a requirement to submit any bug report. Click the word
“Component” to see a description of each component. If none seems
appropriate, highlight the “General” component.
OS: On which operating system (OS) did you find it? (e.g. Linux, Windows XP, Mac OS X.)Example: “If you know the bug happens on more
than one type of operating system, choose “All”. If your OS isn’t
listed, choose Other”.
Description: The details of your problem report, including:
-Overview: This is a larger detailed restatement of the summary. An example would be: “Drag-selecting any page crashes Mac builds in the
NSGetFactory function”.
-Build Id: To find this either go to the “about:” page via the location bar or, if you have MozQA’s Nightly Tester Tools extension,
then go to Tools | Nightly Tester Tools and select the option that
contains the output of the build Id. It should look something like
this: “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US;
rv:1.9.1b3) Gecko/20090305 Firefox/3.1b3″.
-Additional Builds and Platforms: Whether or not the bug takes place on other platforms (or browsers, if applicable). It should look
something like this: “Doesn’t Occur On Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U;
Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3) Gecko/20081107 Firefox/3.1b2″.
Steps to Reproduce: Minimized, easy-to-follow steps that will trigger the bug. If they’re necessary, make sure to include any
special setup steps.A good example of this would look like the
following: 1) View any web page. (I used the default sample page, 2) Drag-select the page. Specifically,
while holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse pointer downwards
from any point in the browser’s content region to the bottom of the
browser’s content region.
Actual Results: What the application did after performing the above steps.An example would be: The application crashed.
Expected Results: What the application should have done, were the bug not present.An example would be: The window should scroll
downwards. Scrolled content should be selected. Or, at least, the
application should not crash.