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0 votes
2 answers

Modeling value object when fields' existence depends on state of other fields

I am practicing tactical DDD and having trouble as exemplified below. Fundamentally, whether some fields of the value object should be nullable depends on another field of the same value object. ...
1 vote
3 answers

DDD: big immutable item with some references to entity identifiers, should it be value object or entity?

Let's say I have a Mail, this mail have many properties given by the constructor (for example, 10-15 parameters). This mail can't be edited (immutable), the user has specifically requested to send ...
0 votes
1 answer

In DDD, must a Value Object turn into an Entity when some limited idenifiablity is required?

I have an Entity type, let's say Car for example. There is a Value Object type Tire for it. Each car has a set of tires with certain properties. Sometimes tires are replaced, which is communicated by ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unit testing parts that use a Value Object that is being created by a Factory

Here is the conundrum, I have a fairly complex Value Object and I don't want to expose it's internals. It should not be an Entity since there is no need for attaching an identity to it. According to ...
0 votes
1 answer

A table contains forbidden words which you cannot use in a comment - is it a value object in DDD? [duplicate]

My aggregate root is "Post" and sub aggregate is "Comment". In my database I have a table called "ForbiddenWords" with one column "Name" (it contains words for ...
2 votes
1 answer

Static validator in DDD value objects

I have a value object to hold a user id number as a string. This number has a unique format throughout my domain. So, it's being validated inside the object during instantiation and an exception is ...
0 votes
0 answers

DDD Value Objects: when is enough enough? [duplicate]

Where do you like to draw the line for modeling a single value as a Value Object v.s. a primitive? For example if I have an internal order number and a customer order number, would you model them both ...
0 votes
3 answers

ValueObjects exposing outside domain layer

As I learned from the DDD rules, you have to change the entity through the aggregate root. However let's say we have a value object "Address". Is it allowed to do in the AR: (I've seen this ...
0 votes
1 answer

List of ValueObjects a valid thing?

Let's say we have an entity Customer which can have multiple email addresses. We create a ValueObject "EmailAddress", upon creation it checks if the address is valid. Is this concept valid ...
0 votes
2 answers

Where should I put the initialization validation of a Value Object?

Hi I am making a Value Object. public class Age { public Age(int age) { Value = age } public int Value { get; private set; } } I want to check ...
0 votes
1 answer

Should an entity initialize a value object?

I'm studying DDD at the same time that I'm reading some Khalil Stemmler posts and I'm a little confused about who should initialize the VO: the entity it is related to or the useCase that uses that ...
0 votes
1 answer

DDD - Complex value object

I have a Message class that represent some data sent by a smartwatch. A Message has a header (sender, length...) and a type; it can be a location update, an alarm message... There are about thirty ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Async Value Object Creation (DDD)

Suppose that I have a Value Object representing an Image URL of a Cake. To check that it really is a cake, I make an asynchronous API call to a server that checks whether the image really represents ...
1 vote
0 answers

Where to place the Value Object code that is shared by more than one Aggregate Root?

I have 2 Aggregate Root: One is the Lessor user, and the other is the Lessee user. class Lessor extends AggregateRoot {} class Lessee extends AggregateRoot {} Each of these Aggregate Roots has a ...
0 votes
0 answers

DDD Value Objects and Entity Without ORM Mapping in PHP

First, as I know, Entity in DDD is almost same with Value Object except Entity has identity. Every article I have read say same thing that entity id has ORM mapping with any ORM tool. But I don’t want ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can Value Objects create their own value?

Let's say you have a username value object which has formatting rules e.g., class Username { private $username; public function __construct(string $username) { // thrown an ...
1 vote
2 answers

When to model an aggregate's entities as part of a value object?

I've read a lot about Domain Driven Design including books from Eric Evans and Vaughn Vernon. So I am familiar with the concepts Aggregate Root, Entity, and Value Object. But while I was modeling ...
2 votes
3 answers

In domain driven design, is a timestamp a property or a value object?

I have some entities and some value objects that need to record the moment they were made. Now I read that a value object is a collection of properties with its own set of rules, and two value objects ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is putting an Id to a value object a bad id?

I have a Customer which can have sereval address. Sereval customers can possibily live at the same address. So in my relational database a classic many to many relationship. As : An address can not ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to determine aggregates when entities are shared?

So I'm trying to figure out exactly what my aggregates/aggregate roots are in my structure, and can't seem to wrap my head around it. Database contains the following tables: SALESGROUP ID ...
6 votes
4 answers

DDD and the persistence of value objects; must we denormalize?

I've been reading up a lot on Domain-Driven Development, and I came to the question of how to preserve lack of distinct identity with value objects (VOs). While in the DDD world, this is a requirement ...
0 votes
2 answers

ValueObject - too wordy?

So, I'm having some value objects in my domain, and when I'm using them in one of my builders it looks like this: .withSomething(Id.of(123), Specifiers.of(MySpecifier.of("233"), MySpecifier.of("23423"...
1 vote
2 answers

DDD domain identifier implementation should be ValueObject?

In DDD we defined domain's identifier as ValueObject. Regard here How ever in last project I implement those ID like so public struct UserID { public readonly string GUID; } public struct ...
5 votes
2 answers

Shouldn't Location be a Value Object?

Eric Evan's DDD book, Cargo Shipping Example, pg. 168: Location Two places with the same name are not the same. Latitude and longitude could provide a unique key, but probably not a very ...
10 votes
2 answers

Should well-known business ID of an entity be represented with a dedicated type in DDD/OOP?

In practical terms it means using an custom (immutable) class over a string or some other primitive type. Examples: Publishing: International Standard Book Number. Finance: International Securities ...
0 votes
1 answer

domain driven design value object behavior

I recently finished Steve Smith and Julie Lerman's excellent Pluralsight course on Domain Driven Design, and I'm applying the training to a project. I have what I think is a good candidate for a value ...
8 votes
3 answers

In domain driven design, how do I convert a database table with a primary key into a Value Object?

Lets suppose there's a database schema defined like this: Person.mail_address_key ----- Address.address_key Person.billing_address_key ----- Address.address_key A Person has a mailing address and a ...
2 votes
2 answers

DDD - If an object is saved as a whole to the database, is it per definition an entity, or is it still possible that it is a value object?

I'm learning about Domain Driven Design and struggling with the question if a particular object should be handled as entity or value object. All possible surname prefixes are kept in a database table....
4 votes
1 answer

Use a custom value object or a Guid as an entity identifier in a distributed system?

tl;dr I've been told that in domain-driven design, an identifier for an entity could be a custom value object, i.e. something other than Guid, string, int, etc. Can this really be advisable in a ...
7 votes
1 answer

Unique Value Object vs Entity

Trying to convert some entities into value objects I am stuck in a case where what seems a value object must be unique within an aggregate. Suppose we have a Movie entity which makes the root of an ...