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Utilising Social Logins via OAuth2 in native mobile apps

This question has been asked over and over again, but I have not yet found a satisfying answer: How to use Social Logins (via OAuth2) to obtain access tokens for your backend if your only clients are ...
rsmidt's user avatar
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Avoiding conflicts with Microsoft Two-factor authentication across multiple web applications help

I'm designing a web application and using Microsoft's out of the box Identity and its default Two-Factor Authentication (with core MVC and .NET 8). While setting up and testing the 2FA ...
eaglei22's user avatar
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0 votes
6 answers

is employee just a user in domain driven design

Suppose I have an application where I can manage clients (just companies I offer my services to) and what services I offer for them. I also have the functionality to create timebookings, which means I ...
hadamard's user avatar
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2 votes
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Azure Managed Identity and Zero Trust

Azure Managed Identity provides a mean to only allow explicitly defined users/apps to access a given resource. For instance I can setup that no-one can access my database except the Managed Identities ...
Jakob Busk Sørensen's user avatar
1 vote
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Persistant Browser Display Settings for Users

I have a question about what's the best approach to handle persistent data for web apps. I have a web app that is authenticating through an auth service. once authenticated it makes requests to the ...
BigL's user avatar
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OpenID Connect and User Management Best Practices

Currently my company has 2 applications that use Identity Server for SSO. Not every client we have uses both applications but some do. The part I'm uneasy about is that both apps have a user ...
Brad Firesheets's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Obtaining application generated ID from repository or from entity constructor?

In the Book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" the author suggests to implement a repository method to provide the next application-generated (not database-generated) ID. Like so: class ...
deamon's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Should user and service-to-service authentications be separate?

Say I have a system with 5 microservices behind a gateway, and a user signs in through an IDP (OAuth) A user U passes the access token in a request, and the call first reaches the gateway before it ...
Jerald Baker's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Extend the ApplicationUser class or use a Person class?

I am making a web system using Asp.Net Core with individual user accounts (Identity), and I was thinking about how I should store the users' personal information in the database. The system will have ...
Stian's user avatar
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Two step provisioning using OIDC and AD?

A client requested that we implement the following authentication/authorisation flow: User authenticates using OIDC via a IAM (Salesforce in this case). If user is an external user, then a flag is ...
dd_dent's user avatar
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How to randomly allocate a set of IDs digitally, one ID per person, such that everyone knows that the particular allocations are kept private?

I have a set of UUIDs that I want to assign to a set of people. I want to deliver these UUIDs to people in a secure manner, such that everyone knows that I do not know which UUID corresponds to which ...
Ian Knight's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Composite Id based on another Aggregate root?

An Aggregate Root should always have a unique ID within the bounded context. Typically the examples one finds use a GUID for this to ensure global uniqueness. However consider a bounded context for a ...
udnes99's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Where to save user information with an IAM like Keycloak

What is the best practice to save user informations like firstname,lastname, address...? Directly in the Keycloak db or in the application database and the identifier from the keycloak user will also ...
djkobi97's user avatar
1 vote
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Checking validity of users and tenants in each request

I am designing a centralized IDP to use for a database-per-tenant application that uses a "tid" (Tenant Id) claim in the access token that the WebAPI uses to create a connection string ...
perustaja's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there a naming convention for variables that hold one of several possible ids?

Sorry if this is a silly question, but I am not a native english speaker and a lot of times it is difficult for me to come up with meaningful variable names. I have a table of users in our app. All ...
Karolis's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I store an user's capabilities to boost performance while allowing real-time updates of said capabilities?

I'm ingesting 150 objects that each require an user capabilities check, the function isUserAdmin tells me whether or not an user is an admin or not. Inside this function, there's a lot of deeper ...
Daniel M's user avatar
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Is ASP.NET Core Identity a leaky abstraction?

As far as I know, the DBContext or underlying persistance technology should be only contained inside the Data layer. Also, it feels very wrong to me to have identity package inside the user ...
Excessive's user avatar
4 votes
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Architecture to lock account to mobile device

I'm currently creating a mobile app and have the following issue. I am required to only allow the user to login from a device that is registered to the users account. A user can have up to X number of ...
Ankeet Dhanji's user avatar
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How to support anonymous user in web application?

I work for a publishing company that also provides content distribution to their users. In order to access a piece of content the user must be entitled to do so. Traditionally this authorization check ...
Leandro's user avatar
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2 votes
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Client (app-server) vs DB generated unique ID's

I've been reading on instagram's approach to generate unique identifiers. Besides remaining content I'd like to understand on of the points their making as a con of client-generated (by client I mean ...
canni's user avatar
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User management: third party Identity Management vs local user

Context Let's considering a standard web application handling cars. Each car has an owner. So the car structure looks like: cars( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ... owner_id *???* ) For simplicity ...
Al-un's user avatar
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How to design ID code system for people database?

We are restructuring our entire database / filesystem / user identity system. As a first step, we have determined that we need to assign each user/employee in an organization unique ID. Surprisingly ...
gorn's user avatar
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Microservices - External access tokens stored in identity service, calendar service, or both?

I'm creating an application which, so far, has an identity service(using identityserver4), a front end, and a calendar service. The user logs in via third party(say, google) and grants permissions to ...
ChickenMilkBomb's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Which data should be stored as `Claim`?

In ASP.Net Core, I find Claims authorization is very not-concrete method. We can add anything as ClaimType and ClaimValue pair; groups, firstname, lastname, brithdate, canAccessThisURI, isEditor, etc.....
Mohammed Noureldin's user avatar
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Which approach use when admin can act as some user in application?

The application requires that admin user can provide same actions like real user. It is normal situation when in application changes IIdentity so that when we click to button "Login like some user" ...
Stanislav Matšel's user avatar
3 votes
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Best practices in saving user data when using identity provider like AWS Cognito

So in my mind, the usual users table that we are used to having, is going to split in two: whatever data is within the Identity Provider the domain specific data (user.facialHairStyle) is going to ...
Birowsky's user avatar
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Multi-Tenant & Multi-Object Permision Suggestions

I am looking for suggestions/examples on how to setup permissions for my project. I am using ASP.NET Core 2.0 with EF Identity 2 (on one server) and will be using IdentityServer4 (secondary server) as ...
Jason H's user avatar
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ASP.NET Projects using too much .NET Boilerplate Libraries / Code

I am very puzzled with the obsession that many people seem to have with using Microsoft frameworks. I have seen several tutorials and projects (both open and closed source) that seem to utilize all of ...
G.T.D.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Why do RESTful services that implement HATEOAS provide a self-relationship link?

I'm learning about HATEOAS and I noticed that every implementation always seems to implement a self-relationship first. For example a common response object might look like { title: "The Wonderful ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is this a constant or a variable?

I was wondering if a value that is defined by the user at the start of a program, and not modified by the program, is considered a constant or a variable. I know that a constant is a word/letter that ...
AvahW's user avatar
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1 answer

How does Entity Framework track object with identity as key

I want to understand how EF track ID when the primary key is identity. (DB first) For example class User { int Id; //auto generated via SQL identity, also the primary key of the table Users. ...
Ziv Weissman's user avatar
7 votes
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email address as username, and email address field

I'm designing an entity to represent a log-in object. The unique username value is an email address, that will go onto the username field. Should I add a second field called email to indicate a ...
Lucas T's user avatar
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What should be taken into consideration when creating a Sku framework?

I have to design a Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) for my downloaded products and I am looking for any advice on how to choose a standard. More specifically, I would like to know: Are there any character ...
Anon's user avatar
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What does GRAPH stand for in the term Azure AD Graph API or Facebook Open Graph API

I'm doing some research on authentication methods and I've noticed that not only does Azure call their cloud Active Directory interface API the "Graph API" but also Facebook use the same term with ...
jezpez's user avatar
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Databaseless ASP.NET MVC 5 on top of an external REST API

Where you would envision an out-of the-box ASP.NET MVC 5 web application on top of an MSSQL database, I have now been placed in a situation where I'm supposed to use custom external token endpoints ...
Wim Ombelets's user avatar
4 votes
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Identity propagation using Azure service bus

We currently have a platform with a SOA architecture in which the user's identity is propagated from the web application via middle tier services (REST and SOAP) until we actually query our data ...
MvdD's user avatar
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Single sign-on flow using ASP.NET MVC + Active Directory

I'm looking into creating a single-sign-on portal built in ASP.NET MVC. This single sign on portal should give users the option to sign in with their individual account (which should be verified ...
Steven Thewissen's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Separating ASP.NET IdentityUser from my other entities

I have a ProjectName.Core library containing all my business logic and my entities and their behaviour. There's currently no relation whatsoever to Entity Framework or any other DAL because I like to ...
Steven Thewissen's user avatar
1 vote
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Resource representation can depend on identity?

If some resource on a RESTful api is to be protected, we can do it by using OAuth for example, and then if the there's no token on the headers of the request (i.e. no identity) we return a 401 status ...
user1620696's user avatar
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When we say a monad 'encapsulates a computation' - is this just saying 'wraps a functional transformation of data'?

When I think of the word 'computation' - my mind jumps to lambda calculus or operations on a state machine representing a CPU. It is quite a broad definition. Now some people talk about monads as '...
hawkeye's user avatar
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2 votes
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Single Identity for Desktop and Web [closed]

I'm building a system has both a WPF desktop application as well as an MVC application. I need a common user identity component so that user can log on to either one with the same credentials....
dan's user avatar
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Use a custom value object or a Guid as an entity identifier in a distributed system?

tl;dr I've been told that in domain-driven design, an identifier for an entity could be a custom value object, i.e. something other than Guid, string, int, etc. Can this really be advisable in a ...
Kazark's user avatar
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Identity matrix using Fortran 95

The following code give the identity matrix of any size the user wish it to be: program identitymatrix real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: I character:: fmt*8 integer :: ms, j print*,'the ...
Fadi's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to check a client side application identity from server side? [duplicate]

Assume there is a web service which is visible publicly but it must be just responsive to a specific client application. Is there any mechanism to check client side application identity to prevent ...
anonim's user avatar
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Auto - incremental ID in Domain Object

I read a lot about auto-incremental id (guid, interlocked.increment, ObjectIdGenerator...) but don't find nothing for my situation. In my domain model user ask to have an automatic progressive ...
gt.guybrush's user avatar
4 votes
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Identity Design ASP.NET

I am trying to design a system with the below features, and am currently trying to figure out best way to handle Identity : There will be multiple decoupled parts of the system, with same customers ...
user60812's user avatar
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Is it safe to use LAST_INSERT_ID() in a system like Point of Sale

Is it safe to use LAST_INSERT_ID() in a system using MySQL like Point Of Sale when there are multiple users using the system at the same time?
black_belt's user avatar
99 votes
8 answers

Is browser fingerprinting a viable technique for identifying anonymous users?

Is browser fingerprinting a sufficient method for uniquely identifying anonymous users? What if you incorporate biometric data like mouse gestures or typing patterns? The other day I ran into the ...
SMrF's user avatar
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Best practices for generating new identifiers for persistent objects?

In a typical scenario, an object that needs to be persisted in the database will be created in application code without an identifier, and later saved to a table in the database. Some database ...
afeygin's user avatar
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36 votes
5 answers

Is it a bad idea to sell Android apps in the Android Market under your real name? [closed]

I'm just getting started in Android development and am working on a few small "practice" apps. As an example, one is a live wallpaper. The others are similar in terms of development effort. When ...
Joshua Carmody's user avatar