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2 votes

Does a `long` ban make sense?

Today I assume that char = 8 bit, short = 16 bit, int = 32 bit, long = 32 or 64 bit, no guarantee either way, long long and int64_t = 64 bit on any device that I write software for, with any compiler. ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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1 vote

What is meant by /0 in AMD64 specification?

FF /0 Notation indicating that FF is the first byte of an opcode, and a subopcode in the ModR/M byte has a value of 0. Here, for example, the ADD, ADC, and AND instructions all use ...
Erik Eidt's user avatar
  • 34.4k
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Perfomance of 8 bit operations on 64 bit architechture

On a typical 64 bit processor, 64 bit operations are a tiny, tiny bit faster than smaller operations. However, if you have the same number of items with four or eight times more storage, you will pay ...
gnasher729's user avatar
  • 47.5k

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