Can I release my own work with CreativeCommon BY-NC-SA license (Non Commercial), and still make a commercial use myself?
As long as you are the sole copyright holder, you are not bound by any license and therefor you also cannot violate a license.
This rule is what gives you the right to give a work to different people ...
Is it possible to provide a separate license for the asset folder of a Github Page project?
Yes. You can put files with any license you want in GitHub. However, note that one of GitHub's terms it that you grant GitHub enough rights to allow others to fork your code using the Fork button. So ...
*Where* to give credit for Creative Commons licensed work?
You should be reasonable when giving credits properly, so the copyright notice should be visible and easy to find, preferably in the same page that the copyrighted resource was used (but you can also ...
Does a license I put on my own software apply to me? Can I change the license? (Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0)
Unless you've expressly given away ownership (work for hire, signed an agreement with an organization) you own anything you create. Licenses are there to control how you share that code. The code's ...
*Where* to give credit for Creative Commons licensed work?
Is it fair/legal to have a sort of licenses/credit page linked in the footer of my page, that simply lists out every licensed thing that I use?
Yes, I think so. It is very common for a copyright ...
Can you license a fork of a public domain library?
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.
You won't find an absolute answer to this question anywhere, but the general consensus seems to be, "Yes, with attribution, depending on your jurisdiction."
The CC0 is ...
Is Creative-Commons license compatible with Apache License?
No, the licenses are not compatible as already outlined in the replies and one of the main differences is that the Apache License grants the patent rights together with the code unlike CC licenses.
A ...
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