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Should the Jira assignee change for testing?

This depends on your workflow. Some teams that I've worked with do change the assignee from the developer to the tester when the work enters test. The fact that it doesn't look like a person has or ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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3 votes

How could I pipeline two sequential workflows where there is room for overlap in the processes?

To formalize the condition (invariant) at the moment the synchronization happens: Installation of the new application is allowed to start, if all of these are true: That there is no obstruction ...
rwong's user avatar
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Remove all side-effects from business logic

Your aim to avoid having to mock databases and similar external services is good. But the way you approached it is, in my opinion, flawed. While you have hidden the technicalities of accessing the ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
2 votes

What are the distinction and relation between batch processing and stream processing systems?

Is it correct that the difference between batch and stream processing systems is a batch processing system must read in its entire input before it can start to process the input? a stream ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
2 votes

What are the distinction and relation between batch processing and stream processing systems?

Think of the distinction in this primary way: A batch system works on chunks of data at a time (i.e. a batch) periodically A streaming system works on each record as it comes in Key characteristics ...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
2 votes

Is microservices architecture a good candidate for a pipeline?

I have a monolithic application which can be divided into multiple steps and different steps have variable scaling requirement This has nothing to do with a state machine. This is a pipeline. You ...
sevensevens's user avatar
1 vote

Does Automated Pipeline Mean CI/CD Pipeline?

What you've done is task or workflow automation. Calling it CI/CD would be misleading for two reasons: What you're automating is not the kind of task typically done under that term What you're using ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar
1 vote

Does Automated Pipeline Mean CI/CD Pipeline?

A combination of factors make me think you can't really talk about Continuous Integration in that case: The pipeline is not triggered by a code change You don't merge, build, or test code as part of ...
guillaume31's user avatar
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Data pipeline design - robust and resilient to future variations

Your flow seems reasonable, but has a potential hole. Given that you're polling for new work rather than being event-driven, you need an additional directory, transfer, into which you upload your new ...
jimc's user avatar
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1 vote

What makes a data pipeline scalable? Best practices for scalable design?

Its hard to point at one part of the data pipeline as the possible bottle neck that will prevent it from scaling. I am not sure if this is already being done, but running the Python application as a ...
DFord's user avatar
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Is microservices architecture a good candidate for a pipeline?

Separating them into individual services so that they can scale independently - good idea. For real-time responses, adding requests to the message queue will not help - you are right. Network latency ...
skott's user avatar
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What is the exact ingenuity of Unix pipe

The genius of Pipes is that it combines three important ideas. First, pipes are a practical implementation of 'co-routines', a term coined by Conway in 1958 which was promising but saw little ...
EvertW's user avatar
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