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RibaldEddie's user avatar
RibaldEddie's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
21 votes

Best practice or design patterns for retrieval of data for reporting and dashboards in a domain-rich application

20 votes

What is a domain?

19 votes

What's the name for the bugs known on the release

14 votes

How does a CDN get "data" when there's hundreds of terabytes stored in data centers?

12 votes

Keeping client side model and server side in sync in SPAs

11 votes

What happened to the "Surgical Team" pattern from "The Mythical Man-Month"?

10 votes

How can I avoid causing bugs in the software when I fix unrelated bugs?

9 votes

Building web apps in server-side vs client-side vs hybrid?

9 votes

Zero behavior objects in OOP - my design dilemma

5 votes

Database design with "draft" version of data

5 votes

DDD - Is anemic domain model an antipattern? Shoud we be using rich domain models?

5 votes

Implementation of single authentication point

3 votes

How to include 100k+ users performance tests on a CI pipeline

3 votes

How do you test environment dependent features?

3 votes

What's the best way to do horizontally scalable file uploads?

3 votes

Logging in a distributed system

3 votes

REST API security Stored token vs JWT vs OAuth

3 votes

Is it a good idea not to embed certain one-to-one relationships in a Mongo database?

3 votes

Moving back end from to Amazon Web Services

3 votes

Do RESTful APIs tend to encourage anemic domain models?

3 votes

Are there any known effects on cognitive load of many files with one file per object?

3 votes

Working Through a User Story

3 votes

Can the Application Service layer create an instance of a non aggregate root?

3 votes

Designing a database schema for a website related to my town's history

2 votes

Where should my users permissions live?

2 votes

Using Fargate (serverless compute) to replace leadership election

2 votes

JWT with shared secret to share data between services of different vendors

2 votes

What is the most-widely accepted naming convention for date properties?

2 votes

Responsibility for adding and ordering menu items in a modular application

2 votes

Is eventual consistency a wrong solution for e-commerce applications?