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2 answers

Is this a bad pattern for reporting/audit?

We have a large code base with lots of workflow data (camunda) that does this: Create a reporting event in the codebase Give it a code + payload Put the item on a message queue Consume queue ...
mabeloo52's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Reuse same code for validation and runtime integrity checks?

Scenario I have a system where a user can upload an Excel file which is validated and then used to provide data for the application. There are two distinct operations I need to handle with this file: ...
donquixote's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Guideline choosing between reporting solution or application front-end

I am working in the data department of a middle-sized logistics company who is shifting from an 'old-school' on-premise BI data warehouse to a more 'modern' cloud-based data lake approach. Another ...
Stevo's user avatar
  • 13
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1 answer

Software architecture for a dynamic reporting system

I have to create a reporting system based on hundreds of different tables in a database (which means a huge volume) and I'd like to know the best practices and/or your wild ideas about it. Here are ...
Angi Balazs's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Need advice on reporting with big amounts of data

I have a monolith application in .net core 3.0 with entity framework core 3.0. using: a table with ~3 million records. Its structure is BusinessUnitId | ProfileId | Amount(it has more fields, but ...
Jamil's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
0 answers

How to create and store many statistics in SQL Server for Reporting Purposes

I have a C# Program that creats PowerPoint reports filled with statistics of a chosen (by the project manager who operates with the tool) company (each one has a companyID). The statistics are ...
ruedi's user avatar
  • 133
2 votes
2 answers

Reporting with cyclic or relationships

I’ve got me a design and implementation problem extracting and formulating the results I need. What I’m trying to do is build some reporting on forecasted stock commitments in an inventory system to ...
Hursey's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Should I track my handled exceptions?

Various analytics tools will track the number of handled and unhandled exceptions (crashes) that happen in an app. This obviously helps us find problems we didn't know existed and will fix it. Quite ...
Gil Sand's user avatar
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0 answers

Batch Syncing between two system and one system reverted its state to older DB state. Syncing Problem

We have a system which generates db records and a ever increasing id named archive_id ( bigint in postgres). sample table: record_table ------ archive_id bigint,info varchar Another system ...
techagrammer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Journal Entries vs Entities - what should be the source of truth?

So, this is going to sound like an accounting question, and on top of that might be a little too opinion or discussion-based for Stack Exchange. But we've been going back and forth on this a little ...
Hannele's user avatar
  • 135
3 votes
2 answers

CQRS, Event Sourcing and (near) Real Time Reporting

I am working with a small team that is developing a CQRS/ES "semi-microservice architecture. We are pretty far along, but running into some interesting challenges with our projections and further ...
Jordan's user avatar
  • 187
2 votes
2 answers

how do you automate multiple reports requirements that are complex?

I was tasked to automate reports used by multiple teams. Each team have their own procedure on how to generate the report that they need to deliver. I can automate the reports but it takes so much ...
chip's user avatar
  • 239
-3 votes
1 answer

Dynamic query building for report generation tool : suggestion for better approach

I have a requirement for a reporting tool in which the user will be selecting the "class" that has some associated column and "filter" option in the view. Each class is associated with a list of ...
made_in_india's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to resolve tasks completed from the backlog with no work done?

We have a mature product that we reuse for new projects. For one project, some tasks were created for already working features. Those tasks were all assigned 1 SP each. So, just as a sanity check, I ...
pandaman1234's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Working with data and time intervals

I have an application that measures that continuously. (About every second - it depends on the device) For example sake, let's say that data is CPUTemp (as used as an example in an answer to a related ...
HPage's user avatar
  • 253
7 votes
5 answers

Reports in microservice architecture

SITUATION Let's assume we want to generate an excel report with the data from microservice A and present it in microservice B. We can obtain the data with some scheduled task or so. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ...
Tomasz Maciejewski's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

"OEM Embedded" vs "In-house Developed" Reports

We are developing a SaaS product with which we want to give our customers the ability to produce “real time” (i.e. users should be able to get response within seconds) reports. The “raw” (i.e. not ...
Elad's user avatar
  • 107
1 vote
2 answers

Reduce server hit for reports by caching REST resources

We have a conventional application built using ASP.Net Web forms which uses SQL Server for database. Reports are generated using SSRS. We have a main table called ManifestContainerDetails - this table ...
LCJ's user avatar
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1 answer

Generating reports from large datasets

I'm working on an CRM type application(.NET, SQL Server) that needs to generate reports from large datasets, millions of database rows in a dozen different tables with a lot of aggregation and logic. ...
Dave A's user avatar
  • 174
6 votes
3 answers

Handling retroactively adjusted data that is reported hierarchically

Several of our customers have come to us with an interesting problem that involves adjusting data that occurred in the past which is rolled up and reported based on an org hierarchy. For example: If ...
Vyrotek's user avatar
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Realtime layered time data storage and calculations

I am having a hard time trying to figure out the best way to report on and calculate layered time data. The problem: A person can sign in multiple times, during this sign in there are multiple ...
Jared Mackey's user avatar
1 vote
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User-editable templates for reporting: alternatives to word? [closed]

Not sure if this is the right platform for this, but here goes :) Throughout my career I have been generating reports for users, and most of the times it always started from a Word template (.dot/....
nathanvda's user avatar
  • 151
11 votes
7 answers

Why do we need both Priority and Severity?

I understand what they determine but is it really useful to assign those to issues found? I mean, it is either required to fixed quickly or not. I know how to set them, categorize them etc. I know ...
Pietross's user avatar
  • 331
4 votes
1 answer

How to do reports from python [closed]

This is not a question, asking for a (single) tool, although to answer my question, of course tools are involved. The focus of this question is, asking for advice in which direction to head for. I ...
Thomas Junk's user avatar
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Why would you use a Report Engine, if your application are modeled around ORM

For example, you use some MVC framework for your web application and for most of the time you are thinking in very object oriented way, and that is why you opted to use an ORM framework in the first ...
40pro's user avatar
  • 123
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1 answer

Large volume report operations, how best to replicate transactional data

We are overhauling a legacy accounting app that has some large reports. One concern that has been raised is due to the transactional nature of the data, if we start a long running report how do we ...
StuTheDog's user avatar
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2 answers

Printing to out vs Logging, given the nature of this app?

I'm writing a command line application in Java. That app will scan a list of remote resources, do several attempts to access those resources, report failed attempts, and if succesfully accesed, ...
Tulains Córdova's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to report progress on code research progress?

I am given a task which I need to do research on codebase and report my progress. The dev environment is not set up. I can only read the code and analyze it, e.g. the workflow of user account ...
janetsmith's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

PHP MySql - Statistical Reporting - Best Approach to query appointment system time utilization

I have built an appointments system for various medical practices. Practice schedule appointments - I am looking to provide analysis on the amount of time that has been utilised by the practice. I ...
Gravy's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to express reliability as a ratio of number of tests and system failures? [closed]

I have seen a reliability of the system expressed like this: Rel=No of tests executed / Sum of crashes or other critical events Does it make sense and what actually is the output?
user144171's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Logging events for reporting purposes

Are there any design patterns or best practices around logging events for use in reporting and BI systems. For example in a system which manages orders from a website, it would be beneficial if a ...
Nick Williams's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Best practice or design patterns for retrieval of data for reporting and dashboards in a domain-rich application [duplicate]

First, I want to say this seems to be a neglected question/area, so if this question needs improvement, help me make this a great question that can benefit others! In my experience, there are two ...
richard's user avatar
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51 votes
11 answers

Best practice or design patterns for retrieval of data for reporting and dashboards in a domain-rich application

First, I want to say this seems to be a neglected question/area, so if this question needs improvement, help me make this a great question that can benefit others! I'm looking for advice and help from ...
richard's user avatar
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1 answer

Reporting Solution in PHP / CodeIgniter - Server side logic vs client side

I'm building a report for an end user. They would like to see a list of all widgets... but then also like to see widgets with missing attributes, like missing names, or missing size. So i was ...
dot's user avatar
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2 answers

Documenting reports for end-users

I have an application that has about a dozen reports that provide totals and summaries of data in the database based on date ranges given as parameters. The application is near the end of user testing....
Paul Anderson's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Customer Requirements Contains Equations that Cancel to Nothing

I have a project where the customer requirement specifies a report and contains mathematical equations for the contents of some of the columns on that report. One of the columns on this report is a ...
d4nt's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Approach to submitting forms from a multi-platform native/hybrid app with unstable internet connection

Sorry for the long question, but I want to be sure to define my problem clearly. For my thesis (in aerospace engineering, so not much programming experience) I want to develop a (prototype) mobile ...
Arnold de Jager's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Simple dependency tree diagram generator [closed]

I have a need to produce a simple dependency tree diagram. The input data would be in the following simple format: ITEM_NAME DEPENDENCY ---------------------------- ITEM_101 ITEM_75 ITEM_102 ...
amphibient's user avatar
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2 answers

Fitting it together, database, reporting, applications in C#

Introduction Preamble I was hesitant to post this, since it's an application whose intricate details are defined elsewhere, and answers may not be helpful to others. Within the past few weeks (I was ...
alvonellos's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What to include in a report on software implementation and how?

I am currently writing an extended report on a software library I have written. The reviewer will be a professor at my univeristy. He knows basically what I had to do, but the report will be evaluated....
UmNyobe's user avatar
  • 372
11 votes
12 answers

Should QA find reproducible scenarios?

Sometimes my QA team reports bugs, but neither I or them have any idea on how to reproduce them. This leads to very long and frustrating debugging sessions which sometimes do not even yield results. ...
Eric's user avatar
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1 answer

What are some best practices for report writing? [closed]

I need to give a presentation to a coworker on some of the best practices regarding reports. Right now I use jaspersoft's iReport to do my reports and I need to give some input to a coworker. I'm ...
jeremylaw's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do .NET shops seem to prefer Crystal Report over RDLC reports?

I am currently using RDLC reports. But when interviewing for .NET jobs, they frequently ask "Have you worked with Crystal Reports?". Why do they like Crystal Reports when Visual Studio already has ...
Sagotharan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to learn the MS Business Intelligence stack? [closed]

What's the best/easiest way to get into the MS BI stack on my own (preferably with a [kindle] book)? Specifically, I'd like to learn more about SSIS, SSRS, and SSAS in that order. I've tried looking ...
jdylanmc's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is the reporting function?

When dealing with an enterprise application, I often heard the requirement of "reporting function" "run reports", "generate reports", etc. What is it referring to?
Louis Rhys's user avatar
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6 votes
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Code Analysis & Reporting: Maven vs. Jenkins

My team (~10 devs) has recently migrated to Maven (multi-module project, ca. 50 modules) and we now use Jenkins for continuous integration. As the overall setup is running, we are planning to include ...
Roland Ewald's user avatar
18 votes
11 answers

Can daily reports decrease a developer's productivity? [closed]

In another question, I asked about why developers might don't like daily scrum. We talked to developers and we decided to not hold daily scrum for a while (to give it a try and customized scrum in our ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
16 votes
9 answers

Is adding Ad Hoc reporting to an application worth the effort?

We have an application which collects a lot of data and has reporting baked in to it. The first iteration was a Crystal Reports integration which worked nicely. Create the report in Crystal Report ...
Jon Raynor's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to report on a bug to the boss [closed]

I am a programming intern who has worked for a company for 6 mnths now (this is my 1st programming job so I have 6 mnths experience). I am a 1 man team right now & I am creating a mobile ...
Mack's user avatar
  • 49
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a need for a reporting system in PHP? [closed]

I have designed a reporting system to be used in our enterprise level application. I am able to open source it as this is not our business, and we can gain improved code by contributing it to the ...
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar