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Questions tagged [metrics]

Measurable characteristics/attributes related to software and software development process, and anything related to their measurement . For time and space complexity use tag big-O. For other more specific metric question use tag complexity, or cyclomlatic-complexity if appropriate.

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0 answers

What metrics to collect from Cache service to detect performance degradations?

I have a Cache product that reads and writes to its underlying storage. The thing I want to achieve is a metric that displays Read / Write throughput over some time. I tried to collect a counter of ...
phen0menon's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why the instability metric is a ratio?

I've just started studying coupling metrics and I'm having a hard time understanding instability. I find the term quite misleading and I don't understand how it can really help me develop better ...
Mattias Santoro's user avatar
1 vote
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In the context of imperative languages, I am looking for a metric to describe how "functional", in the sense of "non-imperative", a software module is

I am using TypeScript with classes, interfaces and polymorphism. A large portion of my project is basically a functional TypeScript-based DSL (domain specific language) that can be used to configure ...
damix911's user avatar
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How do we evaluate pipelines efficiency? (build, release, test etc)

I am trying to generate a metric on how our current pipeline is performing, and seem to missing a framework for this, or feel like such a framework/metric already exist? I am only interested in in the ...
Carlton Banks's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

How can I measure which messages are causing queue backups?

Consider the following multi-producer, multi-consumer system: For simplicity, assume that we only have one queue Messages are dequeued on a first-in-first-out basis Oldest-message-pickup-latency has ...
pixatlazaki's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Where did the quote or study of developers write 10 lines of code per day come from?

When I search the internet people said there was a 'study' that says developers write 10 lines of code per day come. Other results claim the mythical man month says it. I searched a digital copy of ...
Andrew Spar's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Success Metrics of system that is time-based

We have a internal system (lets call it system B) that responds "No" as a response to a request from external-facing system (lets call system A) based on elapse of 48 hours from earlier ...
learningMyWayThru's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What would be a good metric of quality of a single bug fix?

If you solve a bug in a poor way, it might result in even more bugs in the future, so I need a way to validate if the fix was actually good. Time between the bug assignment and issue closed doesn't ...
ayowhatthedogdoin's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Instability metric vs Dependency Injection

Below is an excerpt of Fundamentals of Software Architecture, page 65, which I am reading: The instability metric determines the volatility of a code base. A code base that exhibits high degrees of ...
Veverke's user avatar
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How to measure LSP from SOLID Design Principles using NMI, NME and NMO

I do understand the SOLID Principles and LSP, but I want to be able to meausure how well a class diagram obeys to the LSP. Therefor I have found the "Value of LSP" metric, here is a guide ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

Are there any metrics for cohesion inside a single function?

There are metrics for class and module cohesion and coupling, but I didn't find anything yet for a single function. Some functions are obviously doing too much, like doThisAndThat (should be doThat(...
Olle Härstedt's user avatar
-2 votes
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What is the difference between Functional Completeness and Functional Correctness in ISO 25023?

I am reading the ISO 25023, and I am not sure if I understand the concept of Functional Completeness correctly, but I think it is useless in comparison to Functional Correctness. Functional ...
lkarus's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What exactly are the Operators and Operands in Halstead Metrics?

Can anybody point me to the official source where it is explained what are operators and operands in Halstead Metrics for code, I would prefer the original paper by Halstead. Please don't post the ...
Prashant's user avatar
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CK Metrics - Lower Complexity by Refactoring

I'm suppose to identify 3 CK metrics and the most appropriate class to refactor so as to increase encapsulation, modularity and reduce the complexity of the following project According to my ...
Scb's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

How to quantify Code Quality [closed]

My Business unit has huge number of developers (About 100). Due to various reasons, the developers are nearly solely focused on delivery rather than quality. The bad quality code has already started ...
Nachiappan Kumarappan's user avatar
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How does Packet Loss affect Ping (RTT) calculation?

I am storing my Ping records in a limited queue, and I also have a cumulative sum to get the average. I'm doing it like a window. My problem is this: Does it make sense that I have 5ms Ping with 98% ...
Ícaro Lima's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Architecture for collecting metrics from process

I have a class that oversees some process. At it's core, there is a process method which collects data and processes it. There are a bunch of methods for retrieving the results of the previous ...
Paul92's user avatar
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Why does Halstead's formula for estimated program length look like this?

According to the Halstead's software metrics: Estimated program length: Can you please explain me, why the formula uses logarithm to base 2? Why not something else? Why exactly logarithm? What’s ...
Michael Abyzov's user avatar
4 votes
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Summing cyclomatic complexity of function or files

Is the sum of the cyclomatic complexity of all section in a file the total cyclomatic complexity for this file? If it is, is the sum of a set of related files the total cyclomatic complexity for this ...
cervh's user avatar
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What are the key benefits of COCOMO and NASA datasets in software effort estimation? [closed]

The COCOMO and NASA datasets are widely used in most of the systematic literature review about software efforts estimations and I want to know the reason for it? I have read many papers which used ...
Khan's user avatar
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4 answers

Is using KLOC just to normalize size of projects still bad? [closed]

I know many despise KLOC as some managers attempt to correlate that with productivity. But when we speak only comparing sizes of projects using the same languages and coding standards as well as the ...
John V's user avatar
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Can story points be used to describe size of several projects estimated by several teams?

KLOC has been - I think justly - criticized as too inaccurate to express size when comparing several projects. In only one source I found a calculation that uses Story Points and thus allow to compare ...
John V's user avatar
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Does Defect density measure QA or DEV effectiveness?

Most Defect density metrics are like this: Number of bugs / Size (KLOC, Story Points, Function points..) I have read that it measures the effectiveness of QA but I do not get it: I can have a ...
John V's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Non-functional requirements metric and measurement

Do all non-functional requirements need a specific metric and measurement? Would a NF maintainability requirement such as: "Upgrade to a new software version shall leave all database and personal ...
Peter's user avatar
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0 answers

Ripple Effect Analysis using coupling metrics

How can I observe ripple effect using coupling attributes alone? I first find the common coupling metrics for a set of deprecated classes in a project, like CBO(Coupling Between Objects), RFC(...
neyrah's user avatar
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4 answers

How to prove business benefit in software refactoring? [duplicate]

By these days I work in a legacy code that uses JAVA. The project has a code tightly coupled and low cohesion. All my teammates suffer to make changes in the software, one reason is that we haven't ...
Lucas Fantacucci's user avatar
-2 votes
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Architecture Design Approaches for Metric Collection

We want to pull application and business metrics from the source web application to track billing, usage and performance of the application. These metrics are to be stored in a different database (...
Andy Dufresne's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Tight class cohesion metric, all or just public methods?

I am researching cohesion topic and found out that some claim TCC metric should only include public methods, some other sources claim all methods. Would it be wrong to use either approach? Why private ...
John V's user avatar
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Are there any actionable conclusions from the paper "On the correlation between size and metric validity"?

In the paper On the correlation between size and metric validity Gil and Lalouche conclude that all popular software metrics are only valid insofar as they are correlated with code size. They use ...
Alex L's user avatar
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55 votes
7 answers

Are there known valid uses of SLOC to measure productivity?

I had an unusual, brief conversation with a very senior architect about dynamic and static languages. He said that company data shows that there is evidence for higher productivity when static ...
sevo's user avatar
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3 answers

Automating checks for "good" unit tests

There's already a question about How to write good unit tests. Based on the answers provided there, the key properties of a good unit test - Short Readable and conveys intent instantly Independent ...
thegreendroid's user avatar
1 vote
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What is this curve related to bugs and testing called?

What is the curve below called (if it has a name)? What can you generally infer from such a curve? The line with negative slope is the number of remaining test cases and the line with positive slope ...
krismath's user avatar
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2 votes
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Definition of "Current Task Estimate"

In the book "Agile Project Management with Kanban," the author Eric Brechner defines "current task estimate" as the sum of pending, active, and done tasks. I do not understand why "done" tasks are ...
Brent Arias's user avatar
-8 votes
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Source Code Character Count Metric / Acronym?

I see wikipedia entries for: aka SLOC. Shouldn't there be some other kind of metric like SCC? (source character count).. or maybe there is and I ...
user avatar
-1 votes
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Is the following method to compare source codes or work effort reliable? [duplicate]

I want a feasible way to compare my project with my friend's project. I first thought it was enough to compare based on the number of code lines. But for some reason, people kept saying "LOC is not a ...
Sreram's user avatar
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Trying to get a better understanding of the definition of measurement

The book Software Metrics A Rigorous and Practical Approach defines measurement as ...the process by which numbers or symbols are assigned to attributes of entities in the real world in such a ...
Gary In's user avatar
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What is the meaning of a metric for 'year-over-year commits' for a given project?

I have read this in many project description - like here or here. Looking for an explanation of what this means, I simply get more pages that discuss a project's "Y-O-Y commits". What does thie metric ...
Mohamed Moanis's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Does Code Coverage improve code quality? [duplicate]

I am curious whether there are metrics on whether code coverage actually improves code quality? Any research studies? If so, at what percent does it become a case of diminishing returns? If not, why ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
1 vote
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Defect metrics - open and close rate explanation

Probably I am missing some key aspect here, because I simply have no idea how this metric is supposed to tell me anything described by the authors: Defect Open and Close rate = (Defects found ...
John V's user avatar
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What is an appropriate metric for these variables?

For a test suite I have, each test has a failure rate (from 0 to 1), where 1 means it fails every time and 0 means it never fails, and a duration in ms (this is unbounded). I want a metric (I think ...
Michael Hagar's user avatar
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How to interpret QA metrics when SW quality improves?

There are various metrics like "test case effectiveness", that is calculated as (Total number of bugs found / Total number of test cases executed). While this produces some numbers in the beginning, ...
John V's user avatar
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18 votes
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How do you know if software is good or bad based upon empirical metrics?

I'm currently being asked to look at a project that has finished core development five months ago, but still has a high level of defects. What transpires is for around every 10 defects fixed, we raise ...
Nomadic tech's user avatar
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how to measure defects per KLOC

I have been reading on the internet about the metric "number of bugs per 1000 lines of code" and what would be a good number. However, I wonder how someone would compute such a metric? The reason a ...
icehawk's user avatar
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Calculating a score and a breakdown of the score in different places - should I use the same methods?

I am creating a plugin that uses a metric to determine a score on one page and allows the user to click through to see a more detailed breakdown of the score on a separate page. The trouble is: I can'...
Guambra Feo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to perform summary analytics on production databases?

I want to use production data to generate "user activity" metrics. My thought is to set up a cron job that regularly reads production databases to summarize user activity and then stores the results ...
another_user10293412's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

How to quantify the work perfomed by a developer/programmer? [duplicate]

I know the best four naive ways of achieving this. Commit count: In the code repository count the number of commits done by a user. However this is just what the name says, counting the commits. It ...
PedroD's user avatar
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Measuring new capabilities in a software project and comparing vs incremental capability improvement

Given two software projects X and Y relating to some Product A - Project X offers some new capabilities. Project Y offers incremental capabilities. Y's features can be measured: we know its uses, ...
Paul Nathan's user avatar
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Summarizing time spent on UI tests

I was working with a team on a web-based software. We have written ~70-80 Selenium test for the product. Mainly happy-path tests with some regression ones for bugs reported by users. It was the first ...
rxx's user avatar
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Why in cyclomatic complexity we add 1 for operators within a condition?

I know that basically, CC can be computed as number of decision + 1. In addition, every logical operator in the condition causes CC to increase by 1. But why? Having the code if(A || B || C) else... ...
user144171's user avatar
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Does it make sense to express reliability as a ratio of number of tests and system failures? [closed]

I have seen a reliability of the system expressed like this: Rel=No of tests executed / Sum of crashes or other critical events Does it make sense and what actually is the output?
user144171's user avatar