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Questions tagged [jira]

JIRA is a widely-used, proprietary issue tracking product, developed by Atlassian. It provides bug tracking, issue tracking, and some project management functions.

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1 answer

Agile Sprint Planning for Cross-Functional Teams (UX, UI, Dev) [closed]

We have recently started using Agile methodology implemented with Jira. We are struggling to decide how best to arrange Sprints, Epics, Stories, etc when working across different departments. For ...
Rhecil Codes's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Should the Jira assignee change for testing? [closed]

We currently have Reporter and Assignee fields for Jira stories. For example, let's say we move from the 'Code review' column to the 'Ready for testing' column. Should the tester then come in, delete ...
Kyle Vassella's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What should be the workflow for test management in JIRA

We are using Jira to track all our tickets and confluence for documentation. We intend to document the test cases covered on Confluence. Here are a couple requirements: Consider a development ticket ...
systemdebt's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to deal with story-cards on a simple issue-board in Jira

I'm currently organizing a software project via Jira on my own. Right now I'm the only one who is developing on that project. However it is possible that more people will join the team in the near ...
EchtFettigerKeks's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

"Dev to QA handover" process improvement

I would like to get some help or ideas to solve my problems, I just join a small company as junior project manager and I faced with 2 challenges sorry for my ignorance but I am new into the agile ...
rotem shaul's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Advice regarding tools and insights from sprints on developer performance

I would like to get some help or ideas regarding the usage of JIRA and getting insights from it. I just joined a small company as a junior project manager. In the last several sprints, Developer "...
rotem shaul's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

The meaning of "Fix Version" field in Jira, while working in agile, microservices and CI/CD processes

When working on a monolith application in a "waterfall" process, a "Fix Version" field makes a lot of sense. Say you have the "November 2020" planned release, you can add/...
riorio's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Should we create review branch in github to story or subtask of jira?

I have an 8 pointer Story. Let’s call it for example XX1234 I have created 4 subtasks based on the list of actions to follow to complete the whole story implementation: 1. XX1235 2. XX1236 3. ...
Gowthami Reddy's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Should User Stories be written for non-build requirements?

I am working on a project which is introducing a new Business Product, that is leveraging existing systems From a requirements perspective, they fall into all these types: A system change is ...
Philayyy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Should your team put everything they do in JIRA?

I have started working with a team, in a scrum master type role, who has been using JIRA for a kanban type framework. Over the last 6-12 months, they have used JIRA to enter pretty much everything ...
Spionred's user avatar
  • 175
0 votes
2 answers

How to automatically triage production runtime errors before creating Jira issues?

How do "you" handle runtime incidents (say, a null-pointer exception, or an API input data validation failure) so that you (a) don't miss any, and (b) aren't spammed by duplicates? Are you doing log ...
KlaymenDK's user avatar
  • 447
2 votes
1 answer

Parallel sprints in Scrum - one project, two teams

Currently, I am working on the project that consists of two teams which we track also in the JIRA software tool and it is basically two teams that are working on the same project so this is my ...
DarkKnightSM's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Reducing dependencies between stories & which branch (GIT) should QA's test on?

Background We have a team of 8 devs and 1 QA (tester) and we're struggling with dependencies between tickets and causing a lot of merge headaches and/or people waiting around for the next bit of work ...
user3209938's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to alleviate the development process through JIRA?

In our agile-scrum process, for each epic we are creating , we are creating automatically one user story that is related to that epic. From that user story, we are creating automatically too, 4 ...
Andy K's user avatar
  • 285
0 votes
1 answer

Knowing what will get released in gitflow

We are a web SaaS company using gitflow and JIRA. As we are 'done' (QA approved) with a feature, we move the story/ticket forward in Jira to a 'done' status. At that point we wait until it gets ...
scojomodena's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Benefit of using JIRA issue key in fork based workflow

My team follows the practice of including JIRA issue key in each of our commits and also in the title of a Pull Request. Each developer usually make changes in a branch on his/her own fork and then ...
comiventor's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Cloning Jira tickets at the end of a sprint - carrying over effort and points

I have been working with Jira within an Agile scrum like methodology for a while now. What happens quite often is a ticket is estimated and started on. By the end of the sprint 95% of the work is done....
Daniel's user avatar
  • 155
8 votes
4 answers

How to document non-functional requirements in User Stories?

I work as a business analyst in a software development firm. In my previous organisation, the development was done using waterfall and we wrote: "Business Requirement Documents" (BRDs). In my current ...
JackSparrow123's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Is it generally helpful to include JIRA issues in code comments?

Once in a while, I leave comments like # We only need to use the following for V4 of the computation. # See APIPROJ-14 for details. or # We only need to use the following for V4 of the computation....
Mr_Spock's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to resolve tasks completed from the backlog with no work done?

We have a mature product that we reuse for new projects. For one project, some tasks were created for already working features. Those tasks were all assigned 1 SP each. So, just as a sanity check, I ...
pandaman1234's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How should both a Scrum team project and individual Kanban projects be handled within JIRA?

Summary We're a medium sized company that has a development team of five team members. We recently started learning/employing the Scrum method to our R&D department. Our core team has one ...
SaundersB's user avatar
  • 147
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1 answer

A Git workflow where QA tests are integrated into JIRA issues

My current workflow is this (it's basically a feature branch workflow): 1) I have two main branches: release and develop. 2) Development is done using TDD methodology using JIRA/Bitbucket. An issue ...
Ash's user avatar
  • 219
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1 answer

When should I update 'due date' in JIRA?

Me and my collegue were having a discussion about when assignee should update 'due date' of the task in JIRA. My point is, assinee should update 'due date' only after he starts working over it so that ...
Dave Ranjan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Managing bugs and stories in JIRA

Our team has just started using JIRA. Now we are looking for advice on how to build our process in the most convenient way. We have stories to be implemented in further sprints as well as bugs to be ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do you include "global requirements"?

I know it is best practice to split of your "global requirements". Which is something I do when documenting in Confluence. However, when coming to grooming with the development team, I don't really ...
WouterB's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to model story preparation for issues which are tackled across several projects

In our company several teams will work on different components of several projects at the same time. For example, one team might make make specific kinds of software (or hardware) for some project(s), ...
sbi's user avatar
  • 10.1k
6 votes
5 answers

How do I track tiny/small UI change requests in Agile?

How should I track requests for very small changes in the user interface of my Agile project? These changes will take very little time to complete and require only a few words to specify. However, ...
CodeCabbie's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should I consider microservice as an epic or a project in TFS?

When using tools such as TFS or JIRA to plan an application made of 10+ microservices, I am concerned should I consider microservice as an epic or as an new project? In TFS when splitting ...
Dario Granich's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Dev and Tester separated team AND single sprint

First a bit of background : Previously in V cycle process, we have a dev team and a product definition/tester team (we'll call them testers). We moved to agile few months ago with still this ...
user2892355's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

GitHub with TFS ALM

Is it possible to use TFS Application Lifecycle Management features (ie, user stories, tasks, work items, gated commits, all the good stuff) against a repository stored in GitHub? How would one go ...
Rich Bryant's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Separating Issues across multiple products (JIRA)

My R&D team has been working on a major product for over a year and we're using JIRA for issue management. Now got more minor, distinct products (not related to the previous one), and would like ...
Jossef Harush Kadouri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

The burndown suffers due to "technical" dependency between tasks - should we focus more on each task, and accept additional overhead?

We have a new piece of functionality coming up. It comprises of 9 different user stories, covering the functions needed. Three of these are listed below: As a user I should be able to add a person ...
sonstabo's user avatar
  • 113
6 votes
3 answers

When should I create separate projects in JIRA

I've been using JIRA for few months -we are following traditional development methods (no agile/scrum). One of the things that I cannot decide, is when should we create separate projects in JIRA, and ...
Hawk's user avatar
  • 487
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Code review and testing in the process

I am thinking about the software development process of my team, more specifically, I am thinking about tests and code review into our development process. I came to the conclusion that, in order to ...
gvo's user avatar
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3 answers

Expanding Jira DB to include multiple target platforms

I am a member on the QA team but tasked with majority of the management of the Jira instance. We have launched our product on one platform, and will be starting to develop it shortly on 2 more ...
pingu2k4's user avatar
  • 137
4 votes
5 answers

Scrum and backlogged issues

I run a development team that recently started using Jira and we began using agile scrum. I'm curious about a certain aspect of backlogged issues. So far I have been marking new issues as unassigned ...
lorengphd's user avatar
  • 143
1 vote
3 answers

How to work on not User Story related tasks

I'd like to create a developer task collector where I'd put all issues that I see need some work but are not User Story related (e.g. fix some not visible quirks in startup animation, scan code with ...
Marian Paździoch's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Tracking internal builds versus public builds

At our office, we use JIRA to track issues reported by our QA teams. We also have Bamboo which builds each time we commit to our Git (Stash) repository. QA picks a build from Bamboo and they work with ...
void.pointer's user avatar
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7 answers

How to express what do do when error occurs in a user story?

How do you express what to do when error occurs in a user story? Should the response to what happen on errors be in a task of the original user story, or should I create another user story that is ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 253
4 votes
1 answer

Changing story-point estimates after closing the story

In a running multi-year multi-team project there is a set of stories that have been fully estimated and closed, having fulfilled the definition of done. Time has progressed and possibilities in Jira ...
Spork's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Developers blocked by waiting on code to merge from another branch using GitFlow

Our team just made the switch from FogBugz & Kiln/Mercurial to Jira & Stash/Git. We are using the Git Flow model for branching, adding subtask branches off of feature branches (relating to ...
fogwolf's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Categorize tasks/bugs by risk of changes

The project I'm currently working on has an issue: bugs and tasks are often assigned to people who are too new or too inexperienced and their work ends up producing more bugs down the road. The ...
takteek's user avatar
  • 343
2 votes
4 answers

How to organise the different bits and pieces in an agile environment?

Trying to make our shop an agile environment, we struggle with some bits and pieces of that world. While not making it waterfally, we do have to have some sort of agreement on what a new feature needs ...
EasierSaidThanDone's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What are common categories for Kanban and Scrum JIRA boards? [closed]

One minimal Kanban-like system has three places for cards: "To do", "In progress", "Done". As I've seen Scrum and Kanban on the web, it is maybe five or six categories. What are some of the common ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Should user stories be assigned to team members?

We are using JIRA to manage the scrum process. What I'm curious about is whether the User Story issue type should be assigned to a team member, the PO, or remain unassigned. My gut tells me it should ...
timcase's user avatar
  • 138
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2 answers

How can I use JIRA for project management with Green Hopper

I am thinking of using JIRA + GreenHopper for my project management. I have seen that Green Hopper is for making User stories, sprints. I am not able to find how do i need to add tasks, or how to ...
user22's user avatar
  • 215
4 votes
1 answer

JIRA Ticket Best Practices: How to write a good JIRA ticket [closed]

We "use" JIRA as our ticketing system, but "use" is a real stretch. We have no standards, no templates, no "best practices" documentation for writing a proper JIRA ticket. So I'm spearheading the ...
herpylderp's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

How to close a bug that is no longer relevant

I'm currently on a medium-sized team of web developers. We're using jira for bug tracking. We're working on a product with frequent layout changes. A lot of times bugs are filed about a bug in the ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to write tasks in Jira when using Scrum?

I am going to start a new project using Scrum and Jira and I have some questions regarding how to write proper tasks in Jira. From what I understand user stories are small non-technical descriptions ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 253
3 votes
2 answers

What makes for a good JIRA workflow with a software development team? [closed]

I am migrating my team from a snarl of poorly managed excel documents, individual checklists, and personal emails to manage our application issues and development tasks to a new JIRA project. My team ...
Hari Seldon's user avatar