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12 votes

Is it safe to put SQL statements in my C# application?

The "we don't have the resources" line is a red flag to me. You're either going to pay to do it right, or you'll have to pay for doing it wrong. I know which I'd pick. While your use case is ...
Paul's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it bad to leave Azure secrets keys as plaintext in my source code if I don't release the code, only the exe?

Yes, anyone can easily find the key. The simplest method would be to use the .net development tools (available for free download from Microsoft) which contains a decompiler. Aim the decompiler at the ...
Kain0_0's user avatar
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8 votes

Does it make sense to use both Cosmos DB and Elasticsearch?

Since I don't know everything about your usage, I cannot say what is the correct way for you. What I can tell you is that mixing elastic with another DB is a legitimate and common course of action. ...
Shoham Ben Shitrit's user avatar
8 votes

What's more expensive on my server-side processing?

Unless you have millions of users, this is not going to matter at all, performance-wise - and even then it will be irrelevant compared to other concerns. Perfect example of premature optimization of ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar
6 votes

Durable messaging over HTTP

There is no way to guarantee that no data is ever lost. There are ways to diminish the chance, and there are ways to detect when the data is lost -- and this is the best you can do. Given this ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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5 votes

Azure services for hosting a static site

Since this is a static site, I recommend deploying your site in Azure Storage optionally adding CDN. There is a guide for static sites on Azure Storage here, and there is a guide for hooking up CDN ...
Samuel's user avatar
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4 votes

What's stopping Cloud Platforms from owning the whole deployment process?

Taking your example of AWS, it can indeed manage the entire deployment process, including deploying the full environment from Cloud Formation config files through to the source code of the application....
David Arno's user avatar
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4 votes

How to deploy several Azure Functions with VSTS?

I did something similar once, except I built and referenced a class library from a Function App. You should be able to adapt this approach: Build the solution Add a "Copy Files" task to copy the ...
Loren Paulsen's user avatar
4 votes

When consuming an api, what is a good way to deal with their request limits?

If the service works by rejecting only requests that are above the limit, and not just killing the whole service for you, then you could implement similar algorithm to how TCP works. Simply said, ...
Euphoric's user avatar
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4 votes

What's the best implementation for offline mobile app synchronization?

If you're going to sync against your master SQL database you will always have the same problem: how do you resolve conflicting changes? CouchDB doesn't help you there. It explicitly does not handle ...
Joeri Sebrechts's user avatar
4 votes

Why running migration turns into timeout in a production environment?

You will need to look at the sql generated for the migration to determine why it is slow. Possible reasons include: Deadlocks with other queries Rebuilding indexes Moving lots of data around Running ...
Ewan's user avatar
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4 votes

Azure Managed Identity and Zero Trust

If you would take Zero Trust to its extreme, you would not be able to use tokens to verify the authorization of a user, because when using a token you have to trust the service that issued the token ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
3 votes

Durable messaging over HTTP

I don't think nservicebus has the support right now for what you are looking for. Using the azure servicebus broker would be just as unreliable as your network connection, so that is no solution. ...
Yves Goeleven's user avatar
3 votes

DB migration and Azure deployment slots

Zero-downtime releases using Azure App Service slots and a single database shared by Staging and Production are possible - but you need to make sure that all database changes are backwards compatible, ...
Cocowalla's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a Database Scale Up?

Of course you can scale databases. Also, with a strict interpretation of monolith and microservice there generally shouldnt be this kind of performance scaling advantage to microservices. A monolith ...
Ewan's user avatar
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3 votes

Why should I use containers instead of deploying build artifacts directly to Azure App Services or AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

On a very high level, you are not missing out on anything crucial. Docker (and Kubernetes) provide a runtime environment, control plane, deployment, network abstraction etc. which are also provided by ...
Martin K's user avatar
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3 votes

Why should I use containers instead of deploying build artifacts directly to Azure App Services or AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

A full answer to your question depends on the complexity of deployment. If you are looking to host a single ASP.Net (core or classic) website, with no additional services, then I would recommend the ...
Berin Loritsch's user avatar
3 votes

Should my API return the image or path to an image?

Client -> API -> BLOB Has the advantage that the Blob storage could be hidden from the outside, therefore from a security perspective thats quite nice. But on the other side the images have to ...
JanRecker's user avatar
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3 votes

Should my API return the image or path to an image?

As @DocBrown commented and in addition to the previous answers, you could answer the question by performing tests. Which is more efficient? I think that services dedicated to one and only one job are ...
Laiv's user avatar
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3 votes

Improving performance of C# Azure function

For a function which involves heavy data transfer over a network external storage access to all the data processed it is extremely unlikely switching between lists and arrays in C# will result in ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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2 votes

Directly query database vs. Using web service

a WPF application that will deploy to ~50 users Each user will probably make about 25 read/writes a day. I have everything working in Azure but my issue/fear/question is I'm directly calling stored ...
Flater's user avatar
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2 votes

Cost of Cloud Vendor Lock-In

It depends on the importance of the software using the services. In this sense it is not any different from any other type of technology "lock-in" (not necessarily vendor specific). If the software is ...
Frank Hileman's user avatar
2 votes

Actor pattern in azure service fabric

I think you may over complicating this in some ways. Lets think of the chat responses as your UI, each command is its own "web page", but instead of rendering html, it is rendering IRC responses (and ...
TheCatWhisperer's user avatar
2 votes

Managing/Designing actors and their state in Azure Service Fabric

There are quite a few approaches you can take depending on the problem you're trying to solve. I didn't quite understand the motivation behind having a separate Write Actor and a Calculator Actor. The ...
Anup Marwadi's user avatar
2 votes

Is it safe to put SQL statements in my C# application?

It's generally not safe to connect directly to an SQL server if the application is running on the client's machine. If the client has the SQL connection string, then they can run whatever SQL their ...
Ewan's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it safe to put SQL statements in my C# application?

I will start by saying I agree that security is generally better handled by an application brokering between the client and database. This help by giving you "security in depth". However I disagree ...
Sir Swears-a-lot's user avatar
2 votes

Pros and Cons of using ASPNET.Core In-Memory Caching instead of Redis?

First, it concerns me that that you use the word "instead". If you want your app to be robust and lightening fast, you should be utilizing both Redis and dotnetcore in memory caching. Redis will ...
TheCatWhisperer's user avatar
2 votes

What's more expensive on my server-side processing?

In most cases, an architecture should strive to minimize processing that is done on the database and should minimize the amount of logic deployed there as well. There are several reasons for this: ...
John Wu's user avatar
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2 votes

If my development machine is slow and has low end specifications, why can't I just rent a VM on Azure?

AWS offer a remote desktop product which maintains state and basically acts like a normal desktop. At first I was skeptical of how fast this kind of thing would be for heavy tasks like running a ...
Ewan's user avatar
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2 votes

Should my API return the image or path to an image?

Without caching, both options always require two http calls. Option 1: client -> API -> Blob. Option 2: client -> API + client -> Blob. With option 2 you get local caching in the users ...
Rik D's user avatar
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