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163 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

A few useful techniques: Turn on -Wall and -Werror. It might seem counterintuitive when you're struggling with deciphering error messages to create even more error messages, but the warnings are ...
Karl Bielefeldt's user avatar
56 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

Your friend does not need a glossary. A glossary will not help him. What he needs is better intuition about what to do when compiler errors occur. C compiler errors are not as intuitive as, say, C# ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
27 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

A relevant technique worth mentioning is using a second compiler. Clang has invested in better error messages, for instance, but any alternative way to phrase the error can be enlightening. This is ...
MSalters's user avatar
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17 votes

Can I compile PHP to hide the code?

Is there a way I can compile or obfuscate the PHP code somehow so that it can still run on the server but cannot be viewed/edited/modified like compiled software? No. In order for the code to run on ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
13 votes

Why does Rust require external linkers? Any other similar languages?

Rust requires a linker to generate final output. It's only "external" insofar as it is a separate program from the compiler that generates object files. The same is true for most C and C++ compilers, ...
Sebastian Redl's user avatar
13 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

Someone made an attempt at a GCC error glossary on Wikibooks a while ago, but it looks like it never quite took off and hasn't been updated. The "Errors" section is much further along than the "...
nBurn's user avatar
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12 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

In addition to the above answers, note that most compilers don't have comprehensive error glossaries -- these would be a lot of work to maintain as the messages themselves often change, and there are ...
Dúthomhas's user avatar
9 votes

How is it possible to have an efficient edit-compile-try cycle on large codebases?

Even in small projects, when you do a change, you don't recompile anything. In fact, the build is often performed in two steps: compilation and linking. If you modify two files which don't impact ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
8 votes

Circular dependency problem

You can do a two pass compilation. In the first pass emit the machine instructions as you do now. When you encounter a label record its address in a symbol table. When you encounter a reference to a ...
Kasper van den Berg's user avatar
7 votes

Can I compile PHP to hide the code?

You can obfuscate but you cannot hide completely. I've been forced to use both ionCube and Zend Guard before, which perform this obfuscation, and there is no big difference between them. These ...
Joeri Sebrechts's user avatar
7 votes

How are literal values encoded into bytecode?

Your question applies more broadly than byte code systems, to general instruction set architecture, hardware or byte code. What is the common practice when encoding literal values, whose byte ...
Erik Eidt's user avatar
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7 votes

Forth: How do CREATE and DOES> work exactly?

So, I'm a little late to the game, but these questions (particularly about DOES>) were mystifying me as well, being new to Forth. Here is what I've learned and how I've implemented it: [TL;DR: "...
Jim Peterson's user avatar
7 votes

Does the JVM compile bytecode into machine code and run it or does it just run bytecode directly?

Java source code is compiled into bytecode for the JVM. That is not necessarily true. There is nothing in the Java Language Specification that prescribes any particular implementation strategy. The ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
6 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

The C Standard uses a number of terms like "lvalue" and "object" in ways that are different from other programming languages, and compiler messages are often written in such terms. The use of ...
supercat's user avatar
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6 votes

How to write a very basic compiler

Sorry for a shameless plug! Here are some things I've learned from my experience writing a simple toy compiler. Although it's in F# not in C, hopefully there's still something useful to you. Theory ...
Myk's user avatar
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5 votes

Forth: How do CREATE and DOES> work exactly?

Answering your questions in order. CREATE may allocate a new, empty data space. It then sets the "data field" of the new dictionary entry to HERE and the execution semantics to push the value of ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
5 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

I'm surprised no one gave the obvious answer and, I suspect, the one most often used in practice: just don't read the error messages. The vast majority of the value of most error messages is simply ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
5 votes

Solving issues in using post and pre increment operators as part of expressions

In the languages I'm familiar with (e.g. C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java), the code <variable>++ captures the value of <variable>, increments the variable's value, and then yields the ...
Daniel Griscom's user avatar
5 votes

When writing a tokenizer, what is the standard practice for handling aliased language keywords?

Do we map several different misspellings of a single language keyword to some canonical/standard value? Not in a tokenizer, no. A tokenizer or lexer is only turning a stream of characters into a ...
Telastyn's user avatar
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4 votes

Solving issues in using post and pre increment operators as part of expressions

The fundamental problem is what does ++i and i++ actually mean? Each language will give a different answer, so that is important. But lets take a look at the abstract idea first, pseudo code. ...
Kain0_0's user avatar
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4 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

Another technique would be for the friend to write his own glossary over time as he encounters different error messages. Often the best way to learn something is to teach it. Of course, by the time ...
Owen's user avatar
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4 votes

Novice programmer(s) frustrated by lack of a glossary of compiler errors

So, how should a novice programmer approach the challenge of understanding compiler error messages? Specifically, with the combination of C and GCC? Tell your friend to do the following when ...
Kevin's user avatar
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4 votes

How are literal values encoded into bytecode?

the arguments to PUSH are a variable number of bytes, so the virtual machine does not know how many bytes it needs to read for each argument. Usually, the architecture dictates that all arguments are ...
8bittree's user avatar
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4 votes

Forth: How do CREATE and DOES> work exactly?

Download the book: Thinking Forth here... A cleaner explanation is ...
Don Golding's user avatar
4 votes

why do we need instructions set for processor or controller?

Are you confusing "instruction set" with "assembly language"? Higher level languages often get compiled into assembly language, and then that gets "compiled" into actual ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes

What is faster, to read 100MB from file or to compile 100MB of code?

It depends. If the generation code needs a lot of CPU cycles, using a file as a cache might bring performance benefits. If not, using a file as an intermediate storage can slow things down. The only ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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3 votes

Creating a metaphorical compiled scripted language.

The question is nonsensical. Interpretation and compilation are properties of the implementation, not the language. In other words, they are properties of the interpreter or compiler (duh!). Every ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
3 votes

How to Validate Output Binary During/After Compilation on Platform without ECC Memory

I am curious about, for this aspect, what developers usually do for this problem. They consider it so incredibly unlikely that they don't waste any time thinking about it.
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
3 votes

When writing a tokenizer, what is the standard practice for handling aliased language keywords?

In C++, the tokens signed, short, and int are keywords. The phrase signed short int is not a keyword, but a sequence of three tokens. The parser will later combine these into a type name, and even ...
amon's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any logical reason to "store" just one object file (.o) into archival file (.a)?

Archiving a single object file into an archive file can be beneficial in scenarios where you want to maintain a consistent structure or naming convention across your project. It can also simplify ...
Yousha Aleayoub's user avatar

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