Calling Delphi code from C# program
At a previous job, we did exactly what you're describing: An ASP.NET webserver that handed off a lot of the heavy lifting to a native Delphi codebase. We had two methods we used.
The first was to ...
How to model locations, academic terms and different cohorts in OO
You shouldn't start out by thinking in objects. Assuming you want to build a real working application (and this is not some BS modelling exercise) you would start out by clarify the requirements, i.e. ...
Why does the .NET framework have no concept of classes as first-class types?
.NET (the CLR) was the third generation of Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM), which in the early days referred to as the "COM+ runtime". Microsoft Visual Basic and the COM/ActiveX controls ...
Calling Delphi code from C# program
Another language-agnostic solution could be to give your Delphi code a command line interface, pass the parameters by some input file (plain text, XML or JSON), and return the query results in some ...
Struggling vs A Clean rewrite vs extending by overwriting virtual functions
Separate things that change from things that stay the same.
Make a specialized class for every site. Make generic classes that cover most needs. Point each specialized class at the most generic ...
Struggling vs A Clean rewrite vs extending by overwriting virtual functions
It sounds like you are in a competition with the sites you are scraping. ie. They haven't signed up to your service and don't care if it breaks.
In this situation you can never design a generic ...
Struggling vs A Clean rewrite vs extending by overwriting virtual functions
I have made some web crawler for work and know the pain of site redesigns. the solution I found was a mix between option 3 and option 2.
Make a new base with the bare minimum of shared code and make ...
How to model locations, academic terms and different cohorts in OO
It looks like you are trying to do Object Oriented design but with relations similar to a Relational Database. This is generally not a very good idea -- it is a common idea, it's in plenty of ...
Get data from scrap server
You can use a service like Scrapyd
The steps would be as follow:
Deploy spider to scrapyd which saves the items directly to a database
Make the spider crawl through the scrapyd schedule endpoint ...
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