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8 votes

Calling Delphi code from C# program

At a previous job, we did exactly what you're describing: An ASP.NET webserver that handed off a lot of the heavy lifting to a native Delphi codebase. We had two methods we used. The first was to ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
5 votes

How to model locations, academic terms and different cohorts in OO

You shouldn't start out by thinking in objects. Assuming you want to build a real working application (and this is not some BS modelling exercise) you would start out by clarify the requirements, i.e. ...
JacquesB's user avatar
  • 61k
5 votes

Why does the .NET framework have no concept of classes as first-class types?

.NET (the CLR) was the third generation of Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM), which in the early days referred to as the "COM+ runtime". Microsoft Visual Basic and the COM/ActiveX controls ...
Burt_Harris's user avatar
4 votes

Calling Delphi code from C# program

Another language-agnostic solution could be to give your Delphi code a command line interface, pass the parameters by some input file (plain text, XML or JSON), and return the query results in some ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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3 votes

Struggling vs A Clean rewrite vs extending by overwriting virtual functions

Separate things that change from things that stay the same. Make a specialized class for every site. Make generic classes that cover most needs. Point each specialized class at the most generic ...
candied_orange's user avatar
3 votes

Struggling vs A Clean rewrite vs extending by overwriting virtual functions

It sounds like you are in a competition with the sites you are scraping. ie. They haven't signed up to your service and don't care if it breaks. In this situation you can never design a generic ...
Ewan's user avatar
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2 votes

Struggling vs A Clean rewrite vs extending by overwriting virtual functions

I have made some web crawler for work and know the pain of site redesigns. the solution I found was a mix between option 3 and option 2. Make a new base with the bare minimum of shared code and make ...
KiraraVS's user avatar
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2 votes

How to model locations, academic terms and different cohorts in OO

It looks like you are trying to do Object Oriented design but with relations similar to a Relational Database. This is generally not a very good idea -- it is a common idea, it's in plenty of ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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1 vote

Get data from scrap server

You can use a service like Scrapyd The steps would be as follow: Deploy spider to scrapyd which saves the items directly to a database Make the spider crawl through the scrapyd schedule endpoint ...
Rafael Almeida's user avatar

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