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Approach to tagging/versioning builds of an executable

Build versions / labelling is a tool, you need to decide what are your requirements, some common requirements are: To identify the specific commit that the build was produced from. To identify the ...
DavidT's user avatar
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Approach to tagging/versioning builds of an executable

I think almost everyone uses: Single CI pipeline for all builds,human specified Major.Minor and an incremented build number This wont pick up on local builds, but it works for all dev/test/prod ...
Ewan's user avatar
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4 votes

Approach to tagging/versioning builds of an executable

First, let me say there is nothing inherently wrong in having a build process which depends on specific tools, and Git may be one of theses tools. Source code requires always special tools like ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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Approach to tagging/versioning builds of an executable

Having a git commit/tag baked into the final artifact (package, executable, docker image, etc) is extremely useful. It helps debugging a lot. If you use anything else, then how will you know what code ...
freakish's user avatar
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