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4 votes

Should I break a large user table into smaller tables for specific roles and information?

You should break the table up based one what is 1-to-many relationships. For example a user might have more than one degree, so education should be a separate table from user, with a foreign key to ...
JacquesB's user avatar
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-2 votes

Should I break a large user table into smaller tables for specific roles and information?

As opposed to another answer: no, you should not. Normalization is a principle invented in a time where storage was expensive, and is used for space-optimization as opposed to time optimization. If ...
mtj's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I break a large user table into smaller tables for specific roles and information?

Breaking a large user table into smaller, context-specific tables is generally considered a good practice in database design. This approach follows the principles of database normalization, which ...
user459797's user avatar

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