Is updating a macro value in the Xcode preprocessor's macros violating the open–closed principle?
If your requirements have permanently changed, just change the code already. Anything else - including slavish devotion to the open-closed principle - is abstraction for abstraction's sake and does ...
Is updating a macro value in the Xcode preprocessor's macros violating the open–closed principle?
First, make sure you have understood that the OCP is not violated at the time when you change some source code, see my answer here for a detailed explanation. The OCP is followed or violated at the ...
Managing code: Unit tests with source or separate?
As Uncle Bob always says, your tests should not be coupled to the structure of your application (great blog discussing this topic).
Doing what you're suggesting sounds like you may run into issues ...
Managing code: Unit tests with source or separate?
I tried this and won't recommend it... if you have only a few of classes per package could seem nice but, let's imagine a package with 20 production classes.. it will have 20 tests files placed there ...
What is the best way to load data from DB upon application launch?
One approach that I've used and seen used for this kind of thing is that you can load the application and start background threads that start pre-fectching data that you know you will need. Typically,...
If I have two developer license accounts with Apple, can I easily switch between the two for app development and publishing?
I believe you can do this in Xcode.
Go to project settings and choose...
"Signing & Capabilities"
After that you can [Add an Account...] to sign in as another developer / development ...
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