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guillaume31's user avatar
guillaume31's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

When to refactor

2 votes

Which specific practices could be called "software craftsmanship" rather than "software engineering"?

1 vote

Is software development an engineering discipline?

1 vote

How can I document someone else's past work?

1 vote

Is there a problem with writing an in-memory DAL for testing the BLL/ViewModels?

1 vote

How should I refactor so that responsibility for a geocoding service is shared appropriately?

1 vote

Dominant team members in a Scrum team

1 vote

Self-documenting Code vs Commented Code

1 vote

What counts as reinventing the wheel?

1 vote

Improve Bad testing

1 vote

How to practice ATDD if design is not yet emerged from TDD?

1 vote

What is beautiful code?

1 vote

Scrum: What if the Product Owner has tasks?

1 vote

Creating Objects

1 vote

OOP :What are some of the situations in which class based design is better than interface based one?

1 vote

Is it a good practice to have Epics under User Stories?

1 vote

How is programming affected by spatial aptitude?

1 vote

Is it typical for a unit test suite to be larger than the code it tests?

1 vote

REST API - Handling subresources

1 vote

Unit Testing and 3rd party packages. Do I mock or not?

1 vote

Bulk update: return all results or only failures

1 vote

Can I wrap a collection with a static class and still call it repository pattern?

1 vote

How should you look at unit testing protected members used by the abstract base class?

1 vote

Does the Factory Pattern violate the Open/Closed Principle?

1 vote

CQRS and DDD terminology

1 vote

Many small requests vs. few large requests (API Design)

1 vote

Design of active or passive class domain

1 vote

Can the DDD repository modify entity in the DB without an entity object?

1 vote

Scrum task over estimation

1 vote

What is the definition of "technical debt"?

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