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Questions tagged [efficiency]

Use this tag in reference to comparing the efficiency of various systems or algorithms, or methods to measure efficiency. Big O notation is more related to complexity, but could affect efficiency.

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-2 votes
2 answers

Algorithm to utilize subsets of cache [closed]

We are using an external library for caching. How it implements caching is by creating a hash of all the arguments passed to the function and uses the hash as filename of the cached file. The result ...
Ronak Shah's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Most efficient mapping of pixel to colors with colormaps

I'm working on a module that handles colormaps and I want to make the mapping of pixel to colors as efficient as possible. It is a performance critical section of our app. Our current solution works ...
glades's user avatar
  • 419
24 votes
6 answers

Best practice for redundant conditions in if-elif-else statements

What is considered better practice? Case 1: if n == 0: doThis() elif n < 0: doThat() elif n > 0: doSomethingElse() Case 2: if n == 0: doThis() elif n < 0: doThat() else: ...
Nikhil Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Do blockchains provide any improvement over conventional systems/frameworks when decentralization is not required?

I generally understand the blockchain framework. I have spent much time learning about how it, potentially alone, is able to provide for a decentralized system. For TRUE/ABSOLUTE decentralization, it ...
Runeaway3's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Is there an optimal strategy for placing rectangles inside a window without overlapping?

My specific problem is that I have a vertically scrollable window into which I need to place rectangular <div> elements that are locked horizontally and have different widths and heights. ...
Jeffrey P's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How is it possible to have an efficient edit-compile-try cycle on large codebases?

Related (but different) question: How do you dive into large code bases? I have always worked on small projects where editing a piece of code is easy: you modify the code, you recompile and in a ...
Acerbic's user avatar
  • 69
3 votes
7 answers

Representing a large list of complex objects in JSON

I am currently developing an API that returns JSON structures. One of the domain objects returned is a time series, which is a potentially large list (many thousands of elements) of complex objects. ...
Felk's user avatar
  • 194
-1 votes
1 answer

In a language interpreted line by line - is optimizing similar lines of code within a module into functions better in terms of efficiency? [duplicate]

While writing python code (I write python-selenium for GUI automation), I am facing situations wheer I have to deal with 5 widgets that do the same thing, just there xpath is differs by one term. # ...
Ulysses's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
3 answers

Is it any more efficient to reuse a variable than to create a new object?

In a project I am working on we load various entities from the database, do some work then attempt to save the resulting entities. If saving the result is not successful, we return a Result object ...
BakeryD's user avatar
  • 29
-1 votes
3 answers

Does wrapping functions/'things' in classes reduce efficiency?

I was reading some C++ object-oriented programming notes that mentioned that we should avoid wrapping functions in classes if it is not required, since wrapping 'things' in classes would reduce ...
The Pointer's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

I am spending more time installing software than coding. Why?

I am developing code mainly using Bash, C, Python and Fortran and recently also HTML/CSS+JavaScript. My OS is Ubuntu. Maybe I am exaggerating, but I figured that I kind of spend more time getting ...
Max H. Balsmeier's user avatar
7 votes
12 answers

Why do or should programmers save data in text based formats like JSON or XML instead of binary?

I see a lot of reasons to use binary over text-based formats. With binary, I find it a lot easier. I can use fread(data, sizeof(struct DataStruct), 1, fileptr) to read, or fwrite to write data. I ...
Block of Diamond's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I efficiently make changes to a large module without having to re-run every time?

When making changes to larger modules in Python, this is my current (inefficient) process: Make needed change to code Run program to test (using pdb - python3 -m pdb path/to/ Program will ...
JoseMMC's user avatar
  • 29
3 votes
3 answers

In which order perform tasks from big backlog

I have a big backlog of tasks gathered during last years. And new tasks are added occasionally. All tasks have the same priority and tasks never expire over time. I was thinking of the reasonable way ...
mnaoumov's user avatar
  • 155
1 vote
1 answer

Write complex query OR write simpler queries and combine the results in Backend service?

Take the following statement for example: 'Get results for ALL Active students of a Course'. Naturally, this query has 2 parts, Get all active students of the course. Get results of those ...
Jahirul Islam's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Most efficient way to return results to a web page with a sorting algorithm

Recently, I've been building a search page where the user can input their search criteria and the server side will use a scoring and sorting algorithm to return the 'best' results first. The current ...
Chuck's user avatar
  • 41
0 votes
2 answers

Ordered data structure with efficient push, iteration and random pop/drain

I need a data structure d with somewhat conflicting requirements. What are the different tradeoffs I could pick? The same algorithm will be repeatedly done on each time step: push one new element to ...
iago-lito's user avatar
  • 183
5 votes
4 answers

When building time takes so long, how to improve engineer's efficiency?

The project is using C++ and the code takes around half an hour to build on a 32 core box. That time can be longer, e.g. 1 hour+ on a developer's local machine. I notice the efficiency is low when ...
bugs king's user avatar
  • 193
-4 votes
1 answer

Multi-level random selection implementation [closed]

Structure I have a structure like this: level 1 items represented by a capital letter (A, B, C, D,...) level 2 items represented by lower case letter (a, b, c, d,...) level 3 items repredented ...
basic-ph's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Efficiently querying for a set of objects for price comparison

I am designing a system where a user can input a budget and a query returns to them sets of objects that they can afford from different vendors. The system has 100s of different combination types (i.e ...
Samuel Innocent-Primus Mungy's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is difference between assigning to auto-Implemented properties VS their backing fields within the class

Before I started using auto-implemented properties, I was taught that when assigning properties in the constructor (because of the potential of making a property read only), I should assign directly ...
Hawkeye's user avatar
  • 147
3 votes
1 answer

Reducing Redundant Calculations

I am experiencing a dilemma. Let me explain it with two functions: # Takes vector.magnitude(), vector.x, vector.y and uses it somewhere def func1(vector, {other parameters 1}): pass # Takes ...
andrewgazelka's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Global state variables vs constructor parameter passing

A couple of readonly variables will be used. Almost all of the classes will be using those variables. Either I place all of the variables in a separate internal static class or I pass them on ...
Gwapo's user avatar
  • 29
0 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to iterate a ranged for loop using constant reference here?

I have the following code, and I was wondering if I'm optimally iterating through my ranged for loop: struct data_type { int a; int b; }; int main() { // Assume I have initialized a ...
Inertial Ignorance's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is my reasoning to determine this algorithm's Big-O correct?

Take the following algorithm with two separate sections, and the sections do not influence each other whatsoever (the function is not recursive, as well). void algorithm(int x) { // This section ...
Inertial Ignorance's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Fastest way to find N closest vectors to vector X in list?

I have a bunch (~20,000) of large (~200 dimensions) vectors in an unsorted list. I can create a new vector of the same size, and I'd like to find the top N (usually 10 or so) closest (defined by ...
IronWaffleMan's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Avoiding if statements in Nested FOR loops

Please pardon me if this is a duplicate question. I have two nested for loops which will iteration for around mn times (the complexity is around 3k). Inside these for loops, I have 3 If conditions ...
learntogrow-growtolearn's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Effecient algorithm for data deduplication in procedural code

I have written a data cleansing application which, for the most part, works well. It is not designed to handle large volumes of data: nothing more than about half a million rows. So early on in the ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
  • 3,636
0 votes
1 answer

Algorithm to identify differences between two sorted data sets

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Print the items that differ between the following two left and right sorted data sets: A A B C C D D E G F H EOF EOF The proposed solution ...
Constantin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why are (hexadecimal) hashed passwords/cookies/.. saved as strings in databases?

I'm wondering why all databases seem to store hashed passwords and typical hexadecimal data as char(x)/varchar(x) MySQL uses latin1_swedish_ci as default character encoding, where each character is ...
JonasAnon's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Efficiently computing and storing global state

I am working on a graph problem which is special in the sense that the nodes are computed only when required. This is because the graph is so huge that the entire graph won't fit in memory. So, in my ...
Abhilash's user avatar
  • 111
83 votes
7 answers

Why are bit masks called "masks" and what purpose do they serve?

Why are "bit masks" called like this? I know that they are mainly used for bitwise operations and the usage of bit masks is more efficient than the usage of separate variables. However my question ...
yoyo_fun's user avatar
  • 2,297
5 votes
2 answers

Why don't all languages have the same efficiency?

I just finished my compilers course. One of the topics discussed was ways to make compilers more efficient. For example: tail recursion, inlining procedures, strength reduction, removing dead code, ...
nikolaevra's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Technique to master new (third party) projects [duplicate]

I'm a graduated software developer. In the last year I worked like a sysadmin, nowadays, I entered on a different software company as a VB.Net Developer, it means I need to learn and master a very, ...
Gabriel Trejo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are some operation system (kernels) more efficient with hardware than others?

When comparing the Windows, macOS, and Linux kernel to each other, do some make better use of hardware in terms of cache efficiently, page lookups, or power consumption? I noticed this after ...
Cole's user avatar
  • 145
0 votes
1 answer

Where to format number strings? Server or browser?

I am storing numbers in my database without formatting (e.g., 1434587). But I need a formatted string in the UX (e.g., $1,434,587). Is it better to store the raw number AND the formatted value in the ...
Mowzer's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Fast and simple hex compression

I'm working on a project that requires a TCP connection between a client and server. The current protocol encodes the data into hex and then sends it. However, hex increases the length of the payload ...
Awn's user avatar
  • 155
0 votes
4 answers

Avoiding All Nighter Situations in Software Development [closed]

Trying to understand how experienced programmers tackle programming when they are stuck with a really hairy issues. The situation that I face a few times is like I am stuck with code for quite a few ...
GauravEdekar's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

Do we really need efficient algorithms? [duplicate]

I'd like to ask why people devote their time to research algorithms and their efficiency so extensively when computers nowadays are so fast. Trying to come up with an answer I thought that maybe my ...
Doz's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

better way to load data for millions of users

I am working on a Spring/JSF app in which i have 1 scheduler to load user's sleep activity from fitbit. Right now what i do is that whenever the scheduler kicks in, I load ALL users from mongoDB and ...
Em Ae's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is using AJAX worth it in the inner administrative system? [closed]

Imagine we have a administrative system that is designed to be as fast and lean as possible, without too much fancy CSS or JS. The UE is not that great, but still it is pleasing on the eyes and gets ...
The Law's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Should I use this very short Python Quicksort implementation?

def quicksort(N): if len(N) < 2: return N else: less = quicksort([number for number in N[1:] if number < N[0]]) more = quicksort([number for number in N[1:] if ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Most efficient method for large switch statements

Let's say you have many paths that an application can take at a certain point based on the value of a specific input (for example a simple int). Is there a certain method that is most efficient for ...
thanby's user avatar
  • 149
2 votes
1 answer

Creating a service to to run logic / queries and update a table vs. running logic / queries on client refreshes

I'm not sure if this is a thing. I'm sorry about the ambiguous title--I wasn't really sure how to explain it. Basically I have a ASP.NET web page that runs two SQL queries and does some logic to ...
justiceorjustus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I feel more productive after programming? [closed]

I really enjoy the actual programming part of programming, and actually writing the code, and figuring it out. But on this project I've been working on, most of my time has been spent on kind stupid ...
user2350459's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is Big O of sqrt(1) + sqrt(2) + ... + sqrt(n)? [duplicate]

Given for example this code: for(int i=1;i<n;i++) for(int j=1; j < sqrt(i); j++) foo(); //foo takes constant time can someone explain to me how to calculate the ...
idan di's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Is there any technical reason to be concerned with casting speed?

So, I'm working on a project that takes a very complex entity from a third party framework and converts it into the native object that defines that entity. This entity has several one-to-many ...
Sidney's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Most efficient way to find top values

Let's say we're given n positive integers in random order. What's the most efficient way to find the m largest elements and what's the complexity? For example, given 1000 values, find the top 10.
Turtle's user avatar
  • 19
0 votes
3 answers

Getting RowCount without wasting resources

I have a large SQL query that relates 6-7 different tables and returns fourteen different rows as distinct sets, in a union with an equally-large query, that at times can return over a thousand ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Efficient Repeating Alarm Clock in Low Level Language like C

I was thinking about it and I was curious as to how one would code an efficient repeating alarm clock in C? Would you set an alarm time and then offset the time with the ms time equivalent of a day (...
cg14's user avatar
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