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Questions tagged [file-structure]

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Selecting the endianness of data in files generated by an embedded system

I have an embedded system running on a little-endian Cortex-M3. This system is able to accept packets from the network and reply to them. Now, I would like the system to start generating files. These ...
9a3eedi's user avatar
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Folder and Project Structure in MVVM for WPF Solution

I know there are already questions about file structure in MVVM but I haven't found the pros and cons for the following two structures. What would be better for a large-scale project, and why choose ...
Tiran's user avatar
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What is the idiomatic way to split code between separate files in Rust?

Coming from the world of C#, where, despite sharing namespaces, it's quite common for every class to have its own file, I find that Rust codebases seem to have a complete different sort of philosophy (...
Brian Reading's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I break down my components and files in C

I've been designing an event processor for state machines in C and I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to break down my components in simpler and smaller *.h and *.c files. Specifically I'm ...
MrBit's user avatar
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Where should I put the .scss files in the scaffold?

I have developed an open-source vue.js scaffold which is based on my exprience and study on various vuejs projects. Currently it has a good structure(i think), but i'm nervous about is it good ...
SeyyedKhandon's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does the Django Rest Framework encourage separating Model, Serializer and Views for the same object across multiple files?

Summary: Why shouldn't I put model, serializer and view classes for the same object in the same file in my Django Rest Framework application? I'm building an application using the Django Rest ...
Rackamore's user avatar
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database implementation, how to organize files

I try to build a very small object database, not for production only to learn a bit in my spare time. I've got a data structure that saves my data in blocks of a specific size und combine them when ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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How do database storage engines handle new columns?

I really don't know which StackExchange site this belongs on. It didn't seem to match the "on-topic" list of DBA.SE or SO.SE ... so please let me know if I should move it. I also couldn't find a ...
Simon Whitehead's user avatar
-2 votes
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Packages with only - Possible issues?

Considering a Python Project structure such as the following, where there are "empty" packages with __init__ files simply pulling code from the lib folder: . ├── foo │   ├── fred │   │   └── __init__....
lucasgcb's user avatar
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Domain services structuring

Currently i am handling placing my services by their action type like App Services Storage Payments Providers Gateways IpnHandler But i felt like whenever our payment providers are growing i ...
ujwal dhakal's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to handle a large multi-file class in Javascript?

I have a very large class of 59 methods and about 3000 lines of code. I know that's far larger than most people would want, but the class represents a virtual machine, and most of the methods are run ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
1 vote
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Fast storage format for huge point clouds (fast read/write)

I am working with huge point clouds (1 billion points). I need to process and display them but because of the size of the data, I can't have it all in memory at the same time. First of all, I am not ...
Ebatsin's user avatar
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Installation directory for internal scripts

In GNU/Linux the recommended installation directory for internal binaries of a given package is /usr/lib or /usr/libexec. However, I can't find any recommendation for internal (non-binary) executable ...
August Karlstrom's user avatar
-1 votes
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Structure of complex file formats [closed]

Suppose I want design and implement a a large and complex file format, like pdf or docx; how do I have to structure it? How can they contain so many different data types like images, macros or ...
arabum97's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it appropriate to use Semantic Versioning for the specification for a key/value file format?

I'm writing a Python tool to convert/store the data from a commonly used plaintext file format for volumetric data generated by computational chemistry calculations into the binary HDF5 format using ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
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4 answers

How do you explain the importance of writing classes over writing procedural functions to a programmer? [closed]

I have an intern and he writes code fast. However, I have difficulty making him understand the importance of writing classes and follow the OOP paradigm. We recently had a discussion that went like ...
Kim Stacks's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Small functions vs. keeping dependent functionality in same function

I have a class that sets up an array of nodes and connects them to each other in a graph-like structure. Is it best to: Keep the functionality to initialize and connect the nodes in one function ...
mcfroob's user avatar
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Would you use Byte Arrays or XML if size was not an issue?

In my basic understanding of ByteArrays the benefit is that it is smaller in file size. The down size of a ByteArray is that for any given format you have to know the about the file format to get ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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Are checksums in file formats obsolete?

In the context of a modern filesystem such as btrfs or ZFS, both of which checksum every piece of data written, is there any additional value in a file format storing internal checksums? I also note ...
jl6's user avatar
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Where do you put the "main function" of a Python app?

Suppose you are developing a Python standalone application (not a library). Would you make it a Python package? Or just files next to each other? If you would make it a package, what would be the "...
Aviv Cohn's user avatar
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Best way to structure NoDB (flat-file) website with multiple categories and subcategories for performance and maintainability

I'm building a boutique website using Kirby (a flat-file CMS) and I'm looking for a way to structure the site for best performance and maintainability. The website will have multiple categories and ...
Buzzer's user avatar
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Detecting massive classes that are good candidates for refactoring

Does anyone know of any tool that would help find classes that are taking on too much responsibility? E.g. By visualizing a file's size compared to the other files in the code base, it can be easy to ...
Senseful's user avatar
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Strategy for Binary File Format Description to C++ Implementation

I am dealing with a lot of legacy, reverse engineered binary file formats, often with lost source code and reading/writing these files needs to be recoded in C++. I am wondering if there are good ...
Malcolm McCaffery's user avatar
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Is an approach to store classes that belong to a single feature in a single folder, superior to classifying them in several "community" folders?

in my project I am finding that I mix and match the following two patterns, when it comes to organizing classes in folders/namespaces: Modularized MVC Blocks module/Album/Feature/Controller/...
Dennis's user avatar
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Data structure for storing sorted data

What's a good way to store loads of sorted string on a file so that inserts and reads are fast? I could store it up in a tree, and read/modify/store it as needed, but that seems wasteful for ...
Lorenzo Boccaccia's user avatar
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File structure for storing pixels that changed from one image to another

Have two images with the same dimensions. I want to create a file that contains information on what pixels are different between the two images. The file should also tell me the value of the new ...
Saturn's user avatar
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When designing a directory structure should filenames include folder names?

Suppose I have two directories: house-1 and house-2. Each house directory needs to have files describing its windows and doors. I am trying to understand how to name the files and directories. My ...
dcgoss's user avatar
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1 answer

Naming conventions for hierarchical roles in an application [closed]

I'm creating an application that internally will have have three totally different separated areas of interfaces. - One where users create content and interact with each other - One where one person ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

C++ Header files design : just like defining an API?

I'm kind of new to large scale software development in C++, and I was wondering on the design side of things. I was reading this question, and I thought that, overall, once we get past constant ...
Jiby's user avatar
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Analysis project structure in Python

I am about to embark on a large analysis/data extraction project, which I intend to do with Python. My data to analyse consists of tier 1 files that include some details. and each file points to ...
MrGumble's user avatar
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Setting up folders and importing modules in Python

I'm building an app to automate some processes that are annoying to do by hand (looking in a file, taking certain information out of a file, building another file with that information). My project ...
JBWeld's user avatar
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Uploading Processing Sketch with library to github

I have a sketch I wrote in the language Processing that I want to put up on GitHub. It uses a library released under LGPL so from what I understand, I'm able to (and should) upload the library ...
SCB's user avatar
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8 answers

Is there a conventional way to combine file path strings?

In an example: var assets = "images/" var sounds = assets+"sounds/" Is it more conventional to put the slash on the back of a file path? var assets = "/images" var sounds = assets+"/sounds" Is ...
iiridescent's user avatar
-2 votes
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file quantity limit in a directory on a linux file server and why?

What is a good limit to use on the quantity of files in a directory, and why? EDIT: Why shouldn't someone create a system that puts hundreds of thousands of files in the same directory? Why I ask: ...
Quinma's user avatar
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What metadata do files contain? [closed]

I know when a file is created date information such as date created, last modified, last opened, is automatically updated as meta data on that file. Is there other meta data though? Specifically, is ...
chopper draw lion4's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to make a printable 'template' document?

I'm writing a piece of software to generate and print nametags. The issue I'm having is that nametags need to be formatted the same, but have different values (ie. different names, titles), and can be ...
thefistopher's user avatar
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Dealing with proj files in multi-platform apps

So I've been doing some cross-platform mobile applications using cocos2d-x. Basically it uses common c++ code, that can easily be compiled to the popular mobile platforms with some small wrapper code ...
KDiTraglia's user avatar
21 votes
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Is it a bad practice to give two very different files with the same general purpose the same name?

Is it a bad practice to give two very different files with the same general purpose the same name, separating them into different directories? <script src="client_scripts/app/player_stats/...
CuriousWebDeveloper's user avatar
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Whats a good structure to save and retrieve locations of images?

I got a java-ee application, where I collect informations about movies. Im my backend I provide data like the name, description, genre and a random uuid. I also got lots of related files, which are ...
Lama's user avatar
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Front-end structure of large scale Django project [closed]

Few days ago, I started to work in new company. Before me, all front-end and backend code was written by one man. As you know, Django app contains two main directories for front-end: /static - for ...
Saike's user avatar
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Best way to rename existing unique field names in database?

I have a database table that contains id, filename, userId id is unique identifier filename should also be unique table may contain >10000 records When a user uploads a file it should be entered ...
Rajdeep Siddhapura's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set up variable installation directory?

I have a couple projects that depend on additional files, like images or config files. When compiling and installing a programs like Okular with cmake, I can specify an installation directory and let ...
Martin Ueding's user avatar
2 votes
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Best practices for refactoring parameter file structure in multiple environments

Background info and what I've tried Within each of two mostly distinct environments, say 'Research' and 'Production', there is a need for a structured parameter file. The file contains things like ...
user avatar
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In Python, what is the proper testing structure for packages containing packages? [closed]

Which is the preferred test package structure for packages containing subpackages: Tests in Subpackages? a/ c/ test/ ...
Jace Browning's user avatar
5 votes
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How are new file formats constructed?

I've used a software suite that is installed in offices and on remote vessels. The installations communicate back and forth, and they do that by using a simple proprietary file format that looks ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
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Version-control friendly, append-only file format: "binary" or "text"?

I'm designing an append-only ("journaled") file format, and I'd like it to be friendly towards being stored in VCS (git/Mercurial/...). On one hand, I'd like if after each change, only delta (...
akavel's user avatar
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Does Jar file shrinker affect performance [closed]

I've heard ProGuard's Jar shrinker affects the performance of you application. Is this true? And if so just how much slower does the Jar go shrinked compared to unshrinked?
user1870398's user avatar
6 votes
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How to explain to your colleages to stop creating packages and classes named "Utils"?

In most of the projects at work it will eventually show up a package, a class (or multiple packages and classes) named "Utils", where every kind of function is dumped into. It becomes excruciating ...
fmsf's user avatar
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Is there a proper way to create a file format?

I'm building a proprietary file format for an application I wrote in C# .NET to store save information and perhaps down the line project assets. Is there a standard on how to do this in any way? I was ...
corylulu's user avatar
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organising classes / folder structure for TDD-based development

Due to test-driven development, one ends up with many classes doing just one thing. It is quite a headache just to see where such classes would be placed inside the folder structure. First of all, ...
Karl Cassar's user avatar