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Questions tagged [freelancing]

Questions for professional programmers who are often contracted out for various positions rather than being part of a company.

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8 votes
4 answers

Is it a good idea to do contract work for a former full time employer? [closed]

Assuming: The employee and company are parting on good terms The new company is OK with a little contract work as long as it doesn't distract from the new job The former company wants the help and ...
1 vote
3 answers

Quoting for a project with closed source [closed]

I sit with a project that I need to quote, and until the job is awarded, I can only use "View source" to check, and ask a few questions about the system. That makes quoting outright impossible for me ...
82 votes
6 answers

How should I determine my rates for writing custom software? [closed]

For a custom software that will likely take a year or more to develop, how would I go about determining what to charge as a consultant? I'm having a hard time coming up with a number, and searches ...
130 votes
17 answers

How should I charge for programming things which take two minutes to fix? [closed]

I am really confused with this. I believe that the more I am getting experience, the more I am becoming an expert at finding mistakes and fixing them quickly. Now my boss got website from a ...
17 votes
4 answers

Should I continue to perform freelance work for customers who keep on demanding more without paying? [closed]

So a client comes to me and says it needs some work done. Basically 4 tasks, which I agreed to perform for a certain price. The customer creates the job offer (a fixed time and price job) on ODesk, I ...
16 votes
9 answers

Quit my job (for a new job). Old job wants me to be available for contracting. Steps to take? [closed]

The company I am leaving has asked that I make myself available to answer questions and/or debug programs occasionally should the need arise. I'm not opposed to this. After searching google for some ...
8 votes
10 answers

Is there really anything to gain with complex design?

I've been working for a consulting firm for some time, with clients of various sizes, and I've seen web applications ranging in complexity from really simple: MVC Service Layer EF DB To really ...
-1 votes
2 answers

How to assure client that we will complete our project and won't run away with the money [closed]

I have decided to work as a freelancer. I have developed a software and have successfully given the presentation demo. The client liked it and has agreed to implement the project in his organisation. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Typical agreements for freelance development? [closed]

I am just starting out my programming career and I have a chance to bid on a freelance job. I have looked over the specifications for the app and believe I am capable of meeting the requirements ...
1 vote
5 answers

Statistics on time estimates for web application

I have been asked to help estimate the time it would take to develop a web application. I will not be involved in the actual programming, but I am participating as an "experienced" programmer. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

How does freelance job operate? [closed]

I want to find a freelance job, but I've never done any freelance work before. I want to know what the process involves. Can you please answer the following questions? If the programmer finds a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Terminating a freelance contract before completion [closed]

I've been building a large web application for a company. Initially the project owner appointed a Graphic/Web designer to complete all design/front end works. Me and who ever I bring in to complete ...
1 vote
2 answers

Freelance charging based on tasks completed [closed]

I've just started freelancing and have two projects where I am splitting my week with both companies, one I'm charging hourly and everything is fine, the other one however they have said they will pay ...
3 votes
2 answers

Freelance Web Developer tools [closed]

I'm thinking of freelancing and building web sites in my free time. I have experience in C#/ASP.NET, JavaScript/jQuery as well as HTML/CSS and SQL. Thus, I feel like I have sufficient web ...
18 votes
13 answers

How can I defend Ruby on Rails against customers' not technical opinion?

My customer, a translations business owner, just told me that he has been reading about Ruby on Rails and told me that "there are more PHP guys around there" and "it seems the community prefers it". ...
2 votes
2 answers

Protect freelance work

I have developed some PHP and HTML code for a freelance project, I want to make my contractor able to use my code commercially, since they will sell my project to their own client (an enterprise), but ...
8 votes
7 answers

From non programmer to "professional" freelance programmer [closed]

I am 15 year old student looking to buy his first car and thought I could earn some extra money by learning to program since I like messing around with the computer all the time. I have been reading ...
34 votes
3 answers

Contract Billing - How would you handle 'learning time'?

So you take a contract where you have solid experience with 75% of the technology necessary. How do you handle your time to learn the other 25%? Work it into the billing time? Expose the 25% in the ...
4 votes
3 answers

Business Equity for Code. Is it advisable to enter into such agreements? [closed]

I have been considering this approach for a project I am about to embark upon and would like to hear from other programmers about their experience in contributing code for equity. Has anyone been ...
4 votes
2 answers

Contract review for international contracting

I am intending to work as an independent contractor, writing software for a client based in another country. My work will be provided electronically so I won't need to relocate. However, there is a ...
2 votes
2 answers

How do I find a qualified web designer in my area? [closed]

I just sent out emails to five local web design companies to my area asking to take drawings to HTML/CSS/jQuery. None of the ones who accepted the deal seem suitable to myself. Others rejected the ...
11 votes
1 answer

In freelance software development, what kind of penalties should firms have when they miss deadlines? [closed]

I was talking with a co-developer. He has a client that wanted to make sure that he delivers on time. The client wants repercussions for missed deadlines. While I do not do freelance work, I couldn'...
35 votes
4 answers

How do freelancer web developers manage web hosting for customers?

I have built a number of websites for friends, family, etc. and I have put them all on a single shared web hosting account. Now that they are built, I want to get out of business of supporting them ...
4 votes
5 answers

How should I store an old project? [closed]

As a freelancer, I come across many projects. Its almost impossible to store a backup of all of the projects on my laptop. What are some better options to store them?
4 votes
6 answers

Should I allow my client to self host?

I'm just starting out as a web designer. I'm trying to build up a portfolio for my own website. I'm concerned about designing a site and handing it over to the client. Once I do this I could lose ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is 25% to me as sole author a good deal? [closed]

This is my first contract negotiation. So I've written a program which supports some hardware that the company makes. (The support is important, and most customers will buy it, but the software ...
10 votes
2 answers

Experience w/ eLance (and similar sites) [closed]

I'm considering freelancing via (or another similar site) to help pay the bills while developing games (that will eventually pay the bills). What's working through elance like? Any ...
5 votes
5 answers

Should Cross browser testing be explicitly mentioned in the scope of a project?

I do freelance web development and front end dev is not my strongest point. This question came to me in my recent fixed bid project. Nowadays we use Jquery and Bootstrap and these take care of lots ...
7 votes
3 answers

What's an incorporated software developer?

I saw a job posting asking for "incorporated software developers" and asking them to state their "incorporated rate" when applying. What's the difference between an incorporated developer and a ...
4 votes
2 answers

Important Questions to ask Client at Briefing (Web Development) [closed]

I am just moving into freelancing (my primary sector will be web design / web development). I've got a few projects for friends as well as one or two 'professional' projects in the pipeline. I would ...
7 votes
2 answers

How do I get my first job at a freelancing website? [closed]

I am new to freelancing websites. The problem is I have zero rating and I can't get any projects even if I bid the lowest amount. I tried bidding aggressively. I even tried bidding the lowest ...
5 votes
1 answer

Who manages a CMS after a freelance project is complete?

I've been a full stack .net developer for several years now using C#/MVC4/SQL Server and have never taken on a freelance project. This is because up until now I have worked only as a full-time ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Software agreement for farming out development work [closed]

I'm looking for guidance from someone who has successfully hired a freelancer to assist with writing software they later marketed publicly. Simply, what kind of software agreement should I have the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a freelance website dedicated to high-end work, like writing compilers? [closed]

I've read through the previous posts on freelance websites and used most of them. I'm looking for a website dedicated to high-end professionals and high-end work. Such as writing software compilers, ...
131 votes
14 answers

Demonstrate bad code to client?

A client has asked me to do a redesign of their website, an ASP.NET Webforms application that was developed by another consultant. It seemed like a relatively straightforward job, but after looking at ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Which Open Source License is right for my project? [closed]

I'm developing a suite of software tools that I need help with which is why I want to release my software open-source. People should be able to use and modify my code as they please while contributing ...
3 votes
5 answers

If I hire you for "a day", how many hours are expected? [closed]

I've seen a lot of advice for freelance programmers which advocates quoting your rates in periods of a minimum of one day. That means that when someone asks your rate, you would say "$500 per day" ...
6 votes
2 answers
4k views—Any opinions? [closed]

Has anyone ever tried (former Does anyone have any opinions/feedback on the site? I would like to start some projects as a freelancer but I would really like to ...
20 votes
7 answers

In a legacy codebase, how do I quickly find out what is being used and what isn't?

I've been asked to evaluate what appears to be a substantial legacy codebase, as a precursor to taking a contract maintaining that codebase. This isn't the first time I've been in this situation. In ...
11 votes
7 answers

Freelancing - Share the source code? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Hand over source code to customer I have developed a couple of form based windows application in for a client and they all work well and he paid me through a freelance site....
2 votes
7 answers

When to switch to mobile programming? [closed]

We're a team of developers working on some PC applications. But we have also witnessed a trend in the market towards writing more and more mobile sites and mobile applications. Is it time for ...
10 votes
3 answers

How can I get started as a freelance programmer?

Assume that I know zero about freelancing, but I am a good .NET programmer. I want to start freelancing. How would I get started?
0 votes
4 answers

How do web-developers do web-design when freelancing? [closed]

So I got my first job recently as junior web-developer. My company creates small/medium sites for wide variety of customers: autobusiness companies, weddign agencies, some sauna websites, etcetc, hope ...
4 votes
4 answers

Freelancing - Getting paid for the quote or estimate [closed]

It is often necessary to spend time designing a solution, breaking down the design into tasks and sub tasks and estimating the time it will take to complete each task in order to produce a reasonable ...
0 votes
2 answers

Independent contractors posting projects to their portfolio [closed]

I'm about to hire freelance contractors to do small pieces of my web projects. Is it standard to allow them to put the project on their portfolio? Say a simple debugging task getting a specific ...
3 votes
4 answers

Which metric/list should be used to evaluate whole software development team?

The title might be seem vague, so let me tell you a little bit history what i am trying to clarify question. I have been hired as a consultant for a corporate's small development division. The ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to justify technology choice to customer? [closed]

When freelancing / contracting a customer will typically specify functional requirements, acceptance criteria, etc, and the implementation details are in the developer's hands. As a developer your ...
4 votes
3 answers

Pricing personalized software? [closed]

Currently i'm working on a Purchased Order System Application Project for a small scale company. The Software that i am working on is personalized based on the on their business requirement. The ...
3 votes
4 answers

How to hire a web-programmer : for non-programmer

I am a non-programmer that has used the services of : freelancer, odesk, etc I've tried asking for what i need but, I can't find anyone who can show me any type of example similar to what I request ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to decide on a price for the project as a freelancer [closed]

I have seen similar question on this SE site but none comes close to a sure shot answer and many are rather subjective. So i am taking a website as an example to be more objective for you to decide ...