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Questions tagged [stream-processing]

Stream processing is consuming an input stream or sequence of bytes with some format, processing the data as it arrives, and translating it into another format in a related output stream.

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3 answers

Design of ETL system that should receive both files and via api

I am tasked to design a system that should receive data either as files or via an API and perform ETL functions. The end result is put into an RDBMS. For the sake of example, imagine a system that ...
Sharon Ben Asher's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is real-time processing a synonym for streaming?

I watched two YouTube videos where in: 1st one - there are concepts of batch processing and stream ingestion and in the 2nd one - there is a comparison between batch and real time processing. Is it ...
bridgemnc's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Serialization pattern and code duplication

I noticed how our codebase contains multiple versions of the same method, which unmarshalls the inbound byte-stream into java objects and that the only difference between the current and previous ...
Banana's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

"Select All" in Table is now sending too much data to Server via API - Alternative Ways to Send to Server?

Outline of the current architecture of our web app outlining the issue I'm seeing Client-side app is React, talking to a server running the Play! framework via an API. On the page is a table that ...
bluedevil2k's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to achieve high performance routing to Kinesis streams?

I have consumer pools that consume only events matching a specific attribute (e.g. origin=WINDOWS, the other origin=LINUX). Since ordering is important (ordering is based on instanceId, so this is the ...
user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How is processing done when streaming data?

If streams in programming is about reading data in chunks, how then is it possible to process the data in the scenarios where the data cannot be processed bit by bit, but the processing logic needs ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reprocessing out of order events in a stateful stream

Say that you have a monitoring application that reports downtimes for a large number of remote systems (think IOT). A monitoring daemon polls the remote system and reports that status (on/off) via an ...
bangnab's user avatar
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2 answers

API for input stream operation read until

I want to create a stream class The input stream should read/parse a continuous range from left to right providing convenience methods. The implementation isn't a problem but choosing a consistence ...
Viatorus's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Showing posts by their time-decayed score

I want to show a number of posts, ordered by their score, limited to some number. The score is the product of the number of likes they have (from another table) and the recipricol of their normalized (...
Isvara's user avatar
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0 answers

Bigdata architecture: persisting raw data and streaming them at the same time

In a case where we have multiple source of data, we need to : persist each source of data in its raw form. process the data source eventually with each other to transform them in a presentable state (...
Omegaspard's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Design for Maintaining changes over time which supports arbitrary updates in different time points

I have a collection of documents, which hold a subject id, a timestamp and a value. For example: { sid: 1, t: 3, v: "A" } { sid: 1, t: 5, v: "B" } Which means subject#1 is ...
uylmz's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How are different resolution settings for videos handled by server and client based on setting and connection speed? [closed]

I was watching youtube and squinted at the text in the video and wondered what happens when I switch from 720p to 1080p. Does the streaming service, Youtube and or any other, just have the files in ...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Do 1:1 mobile video call face filters belong on Client or Server?

I am drafting architecture for 1:1 video calling mobile app with face filters (face recognition). I could use p2p e.g. WebRTC because more savings less complexity. However, continuous face rec during ...
softcode's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

IO stream interface in C

When writing a library (eg. for dealing with JPEG or PNG files), the first thing library author needs to provide is an abstraction over FILE* (to allow also reading from plain memory, pipe, socket, ...
malat's user avatar
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1 answer

System design to store pieces of data with specific ttyl to then refetch

I have a system which generates pieces of data that needs to be tracked and assigned a specific TTYL value (a value in seconds) for how long they are supposed to live before being re-processed. I ...
user391986's user avatar
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1 answer

How to keep a data warehouse updated?

Suppose there is a system ( like an ERP ) that writes to a database ( not too big, less than 100GB ). You need to export the data from this database to a data warehouse ( like RedShift or BigQuery ) ...
julianomontini's user avatar
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1 answer

what is the correct OOP way to read/write binary data if meta information of how data is encoded is stored inside data itself?

I have a Buffer which wraps a stream of binary data. The first byte indicates order, either big endian or little endian, which is needed to unpack the data. class FooBuffer implements Buffer is ...
D. Shamray's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Event Processing a Lack of Events

I am facing an issue that I don't believe is novel but none the less am having trouble finding a solution that fits well with our system. We have a constant stream of events going into AWS Kinesis. ...
Osman's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What is the right algorithm to match regex on a stream?

I'd like to match a regex pattern on a stream, but I am not sure what algorithm to use. I certainly don't want to load the entire file into memory. I tried to figure out how to do this, but I have ...
inf3rno's user avatar
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1 answer

Transitive matching in streaming application

Problem A streaming application should perform matching transitively i.e. if A == B & B == C then A == C Current Implementation Application accepts domain objects in a streaming fashion and ...
Ammar's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Generate large Excel files and response from API

I need to generate a large Excel file (something around 50 megs) and send response to another API which will provide it to the front end for a download option. My question is if it will be better to ...
JackTheKnife's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are streams of binary data considered a form of bit banging?

Are streams of binary data considered a form of bit banging? Does this definition change if the array is buffered? I am referring software which handles binary data on a general purpose CPU; for ...
Zhro's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the relationship between reactive programming and stream processing engines?

When would I use reactive programming libraries like RX Java and Project Reactor compared to stream processing engines such as Storm and Flink? I am aware that these concepts might not be directly ...
Hyggenbodden's user avatar
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How should I approach the comparison of two BMP images?

I am currently writing a Python program that retrieves the pixels from two BMP files and finds the percent difference between them (without using the Pillow library for the purpose of learning). I can ...
8ask714's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What are the distinction and relation between batch processing and stream processing systems?

Design Data Intensive Applications says Batch processing systems (offline systems) Chapter 10 A batch processing system takes a large amount of input data, runs a job to pro‐ cess it, and ...
Tim's user avatar
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What could be a good scalable alternative to polling data and then looping over a list of objects for triggering some action on those?

So I have some naive implementation for the following problem: We have a list of objects with action methods that have to be trigger at some value of interest. This value is polled (or is streamed) ...
user59271's user avatar
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0 answers

Efficient Options to do Stream Joins(with Large Time gaps)

Use Case: I need to join two stream sources(say orders(order_id, order_val) and shipments(shipment_id, shipment_val)) based on an id(order_id = shipment_id) and generate a new event shipment_order(id, ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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0 answers

Data pipeline architecture: airflow triggered by message broker

Let us say we have: a web app with a Postgres DB that produces data over time, another DB optimized for analytics that we would like to populate over time. My goal is to build and monitor an ETL ...
sunless's user avatar
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1 answer

Solving Event Dependence in Event Driven Systems

There are X Million Shipments per day. Each shipment has about 50 metrics to be calculated. Each metric is calculated based on a type of the event(Let's say event_1 has the required information to ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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0 answers

Moving application control flow from NiFi to code

We currently have an application that is nominally written in Java/Spring boot, but all of the control flow is in NiFi. For example, there are the following layers in the java application: ...
soandos's user avatar
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0 answers

Is the concept of Rx debounce possible in a distributed environment?

The issue I am building a server-side system that handles streams of time-series events from multiple users and I'd like to perform an action after a certain quiet period has elapsed in the event ...
noamt's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Aggregating events in event-driven system

Lets say there are two services. One generates event A and the other event B. We need to build a new service that implements the function C = func(A, B) , which produces the result C. But as A and B ...
Avinav's user avatar
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1 answer

Best practices for fixing bugs in event stream processing [closed]

We are working on an event driven system that works a streaming technology (eventhub/kinesis/kafka). Imagine some system is generating events that are sent to the event stream. Then there are ...
Martin Kosicky's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Download file stream as it's being generated

Scenario We are building a UI that allows users to query our data in bulk. The return format is CSV and there is a decent amount of processing that needs to happen, so this processing processing is ...
Jared Goguen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is a good technique to process an event stream to ensure sequential or transactional consistency

I am trying to improve an event-driven processing system, which is having a few problems because the events are not guaranteed to arrive in the correct chronological sequence. This is due to batching ...
scipilot's user avatar
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2 answers

Java 8 - When should I use java.util.Stream instead of java.util.Collection?

I started studying functional programming with JavaScript. After this, I started to study it with Java 8 (streams, lambdas and method reference) and I realised that I tend to use streams as much as ...
Bruno Carneiro's user avatar
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1 answer

How to signal end of stream?

I am designing an interface for reading and writing video frames to various inputs and outputs. Stream operators seem to me a superb alternative to named functions for the task. This is the gist of it:...
Vorac's user avatar
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1 answer

Why use apache spark instead of just a normal worker?

Why should someone use a stream processing engine like Apache Spark, Flink, Hadoop instead of just a normal backend worker which works on something and returns the results as soon as it's done? ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why do you want to avoid flushing stdout?

I stumbled upon a question in Codereview, and in one answer the feedback was to avoid std::endl because it flushes the stream. The full quote is: I'd advise avoiding std::endl in general. Along with ...
klutt's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

how simulate sequential consumers in Kafka

I have kafka consumer that get data from kafka and do some process if some circumstances meet and send it for another consumer to do it's job. How can i build something like this? One way I think ...
mohsenJsh's user avatar
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1 answer

Backend architecture for a datastore with real-time events?

I need to build a data store for transactions that meets the following requirements: A 'transaction' is effectively a state machine which moves through a number of statuses during its lifecycle and ...
jimmy_terra's user avatar
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2 answers

Ideal Interprocess Communication

So, there is a workflow I feel needs to exist. It may already exist, and I don't know about it. Consider the Linux command line workflow, the "motto" of Linux, more or less. You have a bunch of ...
Erhannis's user avatar
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1 answer

Short-circuiting an infinite Java 8 stream

Assume You have some POJO Animal like public class Animal { // some fields } You have some enum AnimalType like public enum AnimalType { // some animal types } You have some method that given an ...
geofflittle's user avatar
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1 answer

Best practices for reading dynamic byte streams: is line-by-line comparison with a mask the best way?

I receive sensor data as a binary stream of bytes. This stream is not always the same length, and does not include the same data set each time. If the sensor did not send a field, it is simply absent, ...
foxtrotuniform6969's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Receive data in random order, send in order

I am facing an issue where I have a data stream that sends unordered data. I'm trying to find a way to receive the data in random order, but send it in order. As an example, I'll receive object4 and ...
Solidak's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Are there any techniques for detecting redundancies a stream of changes to a filesystem?

I'm working on a file-synchronization client that currently produces a stream of changes to the underlying filesystem. That is a stream of create/update/move/delete events is produced for each ...
Louis Thibault's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should I produce output with yield or stream.write in Python 3?

I am working on a Python 3 program that will among other things write data to text files in a number of formats. I have one function per format, generating the data to be written. I see two possible ...
Anders's user avatar
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node server structure and technologies - support continuous and high volume (amount, not size) data transfare

I'm having trouble planning the structure of my server side workflow and the technologies I should use. The basic structure and tasks are: Now, things to consider: 1.the server listens to multiple "...
mizenetofa1989's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is the sorted() method on Stream not named sort()?

Why is the sorted() method on Stream not named sort()?
benshqd's user avatar
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2 votes
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What are reactive streams and what's so special in them?

I browsed Wikipedia and encountered a new feature of Java 1.9: Reactive streams. Unfortunately, the linked Wikipedia page doesn't help much to understand what those reactive streams are and what's so ...
juhist's user avatar
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